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MN Farmer Hosts Trade Team Across Three Continents

A trade team featuring soybean industry leaders from three continents visited Jeremy Tischer’s farm east of Breckenridge on Aug. 7. to learn more about how Minnesota soybeans are grown and the ins and outs of a typical Red River Valley farming operation. The INTSOY trade team was a partnership between the American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) Program and the Northern Crops Institute (NCI).

Tischer, a Minnesota Soybean Growers Association director and president of the Clay-Wilkin Soybean & Corn Growers, gave the INTSOY trade team a brief history of soybeans in the Red River Valley, discussed the unique soil and weather conditions they battle, and went through a typical growing season on their third-generation family farm. He also gave a farm tour and allowed them to get close and personal with the modern equipment used on the farm.

One of those end-users and INTSOY trade members was Lyndon Paul, managing director & co-founder of Danish Care Foods (DCF) of Cambodia. DCF produces innovative, affordable and quality nutritional products to fight against malnutrition.

In addition to visiting the Tischer Farm, the INTSOY trade team spent two days at NCI in Fargo where they participated in hands-on processing of soy foods and feeds and learned more about the current and future status of the global foods industry and the U.S. soy industry. Kim Nill, director of market development for the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, provided insight into the production and marketing aspect of soybeans during the course as well.

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