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New Bacterial Leaf Disease ‘Bacterial Stripe’ (Burkholderia Andropogonis) Of Corn Identified In Illinois

By Suzanne Bissonnette

Symptomatic corn leaf samples from Champaign County, Illinois have been confirmed positive for the bacterium Burkholderia andropogonis (Pseudomonas adropogonis (Smith) Stapp.) the causal agent of Bacterial Stripe disease by the University of Illinois Plant Clinic. This has been reported to the Illinois Department of Agriculture and the USDA. The pathogen was identified by symptomology, bacterial colony characteristics and  16S DNA sequencing.

Bacterial stripe foliar symptoms unfortunately are similar to other endemic bacterial leaf pathogens of corn, such as Goss’s Wilt and Stewart’s Wilt. Lesions appear initially as lime-green to yellow diffuse discoloration running parallel with leaf veins. As the lesion matures brown necrotic streaking is evident in the center of the lesion, lesions may be 2-5 inches or more in length.

Lesion symptoms of Bacterial leaf stripe on corn in Illinois. Photo credit: University of Illinois Plant Clinic

This is a new disease to corn in Illinois. There is little current or historical information available on impact to corn yields by this pathogen in the US. The bacterium is widely prevalent and infects a large number of plants including, Johnson grass, sorghum, rye and clover to name a few. It is reported that the disease becomes more severe during period of wet humid weather. Vidaver and Carlson of the University of Nebraska reported in 1978, that the disease was observed in 1973-1975 in South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Michigan. Conclusions were that the disease caused no economic impact at the time.

Lesion symptoms of Bacterial leaf stripe on corn in Illinois. Photo credit: University of Illinois Plant Clinic

Advanced lesion symptoms of Bacterial leaf stripe on corn in Illinois. Photo credit: University of Illinois Plant Clinic

Be on the outlook for this disease in corn next season. Be aware that symptoms of this disease may be confused with other bacterial leaf blights so lab testing may be necessary to differentiate.

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