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Oklahoma, Kansas Wheat Rating Drops In Weekly Crop Report

Warm, spring-time temperatures were felt across Oklahoma this past week. Precipitation ranged from 0.01 of an inch in the Panhandle to 2.77 inches in the Southeast district. In the latest crop weather report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the state's wheat crop decreased slightly for a rating of 16 percent poor to very poor, 44 percent fair, 38 percent good and two percent excellent condition.

Jointing of winter wheat reached 19 percent by Sunday, up 16 points over the previous week. The canola crop rated 66 percent fair to poor, with 23 percent rated good and 11 percent rated very poor. That was unchanged over last week’s rating. Pasture and range conditions rated mostly fair to good. Overall, topsoil and subsoil moisture conditions rated mostly adequate to short. Click here for the full Oklahoma report.

Most of Texas received rain this past week. Areas of the Upper Coast and East Texas received the heaviest amounts of precipitation, with upwards of 10 inches reported. Winter wheat progressed well throughout the state. Wheat rated 11 percent poor to very poor, 38 percent fair, 42 good and 9 percent excellent. Corn and Sorghum planting was delayed due to wet conditions in many parts of the state. Corn was 11 percent planted and sorghum four percent complete. Range and pasture rated mostly good - fair. Click here for the full Texas report.

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Video: Georgia Farm Bureau Unites County Leaders to Strengthen Agriculture Advocacy

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