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Opinion: Cultivating growth

Canada’s agriculture and agri-food system generates around $143 billion, or 7 percent of our gross domestic product, per year. It also provides 1 in every 9 jobs in Canada and employs a total of 2.3 million people. Yet agriculture and food remain a forgotten stepchild to other economic sectors, such as oil and gas and manufacturing, and barely receive a mention at budget time.

Neither does it figure in environmental discussions, despite the fact Canadian farmers are global leaders at sustainable agriculture, as a recent report from the Global Institute for Food Security shows. The federal agriculture minister did not attend COP28 – the UN climate change conference. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault did attend, but his agenda didn’t include agriculture.

Two things need to change for Canadian farmers to reach their full potential. One is a more supportive environment from the federal government. The other is for farmers themselves to adopt a more business-minded approach.

Business-savvy family farms

As Western Canadian farmers, we have long painted an idyllic picture of the small family farm on the Prairies.

However, many farms struggle to turn a profit. And many farmers have off-farm jobs just to pay the bills. While we’ve romanticized the lifestyle of farming, we haven’t been very honest about the business of farming.

The truth is, too many small family farms are on life support, subsidized by Canadian tax dollars through government-run insurance programs. Our industry typically resists change. But we need to convince more producers to think like entrepreneurs so they can capture the growth opportunities that lie ahead for Canada’s agriculture industry.

Farm size matters

According to data from the most recent census, there are approximately 189,000 farming operations in Canada. However, only about 10 percent have sales greater than $1 million; those account for more than 52 percent of the sector’s total operating revenues.

The remaining 90 percent of farms are what I would consider a hobby farm. According to widely used accounting benchmarks for top agriculture firms in Canada, a decent EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) margin is 20 percent. If your revenue is $1 million or less, that leaves EBIT at $200,000 or less. For many farms, that $200,000 will be used for personally held land payments and living costs, which doesn’t leave much for re-investment into the business. To my mind, $1 million in farm revenue is a job, and below that is a hobby. Only above that does it start to be a real business. Small farms provide a great lifestyle, but they are not a great business model.

The reality of agriculture today is that size does matter, and this is why we’re seeing a growing trend towards consolidation. Farms are becoming increasingly sophisticated operations – expanding in terms of equipment, use of technology, sales, employees, and bargaining power.

Suppliers and customers have consolidated as well. We’re seeing significant consolidation among grain elevators, processors, seed, fertilizer and equipment companies. Good luck to any small farm that tries to negotiate or strike a deal with these companies. Those who don’t embrace change won’t survive.

We do not need to do away with the family farm. But farm ownership (and attitudes) needs to be restructured in a way that supports growth, collaboration, and shared equity.

Demographic shift and succession planning

With the average age of the Canadian farmer being 56 and retirement on the horizon, hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable farmland will soon be available. The price of farmland in Canada has increased tenfold over the last three decades. Proper succession planning has never been more important.

Rather than keeping it “all in the family,” what if a retiring farmer’s succession plan involved bringing in non-family professionals to help run the farm – a COO and a fractional CFO – and the family sat as major shareholders? The Cargill family’s agri-business enterprises are the quintessential example. It’s what we did with our family business; my father and I rely heavily on our COO and CFO, with whom we have a profit-sharing arrangement.

The goal is to treat the business as an investment that provides cash for labour, land rent and return on other equity. A farm is really two businesses – a real estate business and a farm operation. These can give the retiring generation certain cash flow, continued equity growth as well as an enterprise that can use the equity to maintain or increase growth. As part of a comprehensive succession plan, the parameters must be set correctly to ensure family equity is not put at significant risk.

It’s an uphill battle getting farmers to realize that genealogy does not always equate to skill. Just because your name is on the farm, it doesn’t mean you need to be the one running it. I think it comes back to our rugged individualism and fierce independence, both a blessing and a curse. Farmers will get the job done, but we’re reluctant to ask for support.

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