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PA Agriculture HPAI Conference Call to Be Held on November 13 With Updates About HPAI for Stakeholders From All Animal Ag Industries

The Monthly Call Will Be Held on Wednesday, November 13 at 1 p.m. EST

With HPAI impacting both dairy and poultry farms across the country right now, the Center for Dairy Excellence and Penn Ag Industries Association will host a new, joint monthly Pennsylvania Agriculture HPAI Conference Call on Wednesday, November 13 at 1 p.m. EST for producers and stakeholders from all animal ag industries. This new combined call aims to provide updates on the rapidly evolving animal health situation concerning highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) affecting farms across the United States. With the HPAI situation in California ever evolving and affecting both dairy and poultry farms, it is important for both industries to join calls to receive the latest information, updates, and learn about steps to take to remain proactive about protecting our herds and flocks.

“I appreciate these calls concerning HPAI. As a producer, these calls are the only place that I have found to get accurate and up-to-date information about HPAI. I appreciate the ability to hear from our state vets and other experts. I also really appreciated being able to hear from another farmer who had gone through this in his own herd,” said Jennifer Heltzel, a dairy producer from Blair County, PA. “I have learned about resources available to me that I didn’t know about. In particular, I didn’t realize that we probably don’t have a premise ID. I guess it’s something we have taken for granted. As a result of the calls, we are considering signing up for the weekly testing program. I wish more farmers and industry salespeople would listen to these calls.”

During the November 13 call, panelists from the Department of Agriculture and other state/federal organizations will share updates on the HPAI health situation, Pennsylvania’s response efforts, and what it means for farms. The panelists will share:

  • Updates from the PA Department of Agriculture on HPAI, Voluntary Surveillance, and being proactive in our response
  • Updates on federal testing requirements and programs
  • Updates from PA Department of Health on personal protective equipment (PPE) assistance programs

Individuals who join the conference call will be able to ask real-time questions to each panelist. To ensure as many questions can be addressed as possible, questions can be submitted in advance of the call. Text 717-585-0766 to submit questions or email

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