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Pork Industry Delegates Gather In Atlanta This March For National Pork Industry Forum

Producer delegates from across the United States will gather in Atlanta, March 1-3, for the annual National Pork Industry Forum.

The 15 producers who serve as members of the National Pork Board and Pork Checkoff staff leadership will hear directly from Pork Act Delegates appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Each year the delegates confer, vote on resolutions and advisements and provide valuable direction on the important issues facing pork producers and the industry.

The theme for this year’s Pork Forum, Power of Pork: Moving Mountains, references the current record-breaking U.S. pork production and pork producers’ continued work together to meet the challenges and opportunities of a growing industry. Delegates will learn about the aggressive promotions to grow consumer demand and plans to build consumer trust and drive sustainable production.

“While our industry is growing, so is demand for our product - both domestically and internationally,” said Jan Archer, president of the National Pork Board and a pig farmer from Goldsboro, North Carolina. “With faith and focus, resolve and connectedness to each other, we can achieve our goals and move mountains.”

At the meeting, Pork Act Delegates will rank eight candidates for the National Pork Board and submit the list to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, for approval. The candidates, in alphabetical order, are:

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