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Protect dairy farm from fire

Comprehensive fire prevention strategies across all dairy operations are essential. Take the devastating explosion and fire at a dairy farm in Texas earlier in 2023, during which 18,000 dairy cattle were lost, a farm worker was seriously injured, and many farm buildings and equipment were destroyed, causing the largest barn fire in the state’s history. Prevention is possible with better safeguards — a critical necessity for states like Wisconsin, where close to one-quarter of all dairy farms are located.

As many Wisconsin state farms merge and consolidate their operations, dairy farms and agribusinesses are growing. Many are larger than ever before, resulting in greater operations and increased vulnerability for livestock, adding urgency to the need for additional fire-prevention measures.

Wisconsin dairy operators focused on reducing their hazard vulnerability should implement preventative measures to mitigate fire and explosion risks and safeguard livestock and property.

Maintain clean and tidy premises. The combination of ignition sources and combustible materials in dairy operations poses significant fire risks. From heaters, coolers and electrical fixtures to animal feed, methane, oils and fuels, those common elements create a potentially explosive mix. Maintain stringent hygiene standards and keep combustible materials like bedding and hay at least three feet away from electrical systems and sources. Conduct regular cleaning to remove hazardous materials, dust, weeds and debris, and implement a "no smoking" rule in all enclosed areas.

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