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Rain continuing to delay some producers in southeast

Rainfall is continuing to delay some farming operations in southeast Saskatchewan. 

The most recent crop report, released by the provincial Ministry of Agriculture Thursday morning, indicated that some parts of the region received upwards of 63 millimetres. As well, localized heavy downpours in the Redvers area caused some flooding. 

The rain has been welcomed, as it has helped with improving topsoil moisture levels, but now, producers are hoping for warm, dry weather to help the crops recover from moisture damage.  

The cropland topsoil moisture is currently rated as 13 percent surplus, 80 percent adequate and seven percent short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as seven percent surplus, 88 percent adequate and five percent short. 

One particular area, District 1B, which includes Kipling and Moosomin, has 20 percent of cropland and 11 percent of hay and pasture land rated as having surplus topsoil moisture. 

Despite the wet conditions, producers have been getting into the field for haying operations when they can. Around seven percent of the hay crop has been cut, and two percent has been baled or put into silage. 

In terms of the quality of the hay, it is rated as 17 percent excellent and 83 percent good. Pasture quality is rated as 32 percent excellent, 63 percent good and five percent fair.  

Some crop damage has been reported in the region over the past week. This damage was mainly attributed to localized flooding, hail and strong winds. There were some areas that did have crop damage due to a lack of moisture. 

In terms of pests, gophers and grasshoppers appear to be a growing concern, and producers are doing what they can to control the pests when warranted. 

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