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Record High Pork Production for June

Record High Pork Production for June

June 2014 contained 21 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 4 Saturdays.
June 2015 contained 22 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 4 Saturdays.

Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.02 billion pounds in June, up 5 percent from the 3.82 billion pounds produced in June 2014.

Beef production, at 2.00 billion pounds, was 3 percent below the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.47 million head, down 5 percent from June 2014. The average live weight was up 25 pounds from the previous year, at 1,332 pounds.

Veal production totaled 7.0 million pounds, 7 percent below June a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 35,200 head, down 22 percent from June 2014. The average live weight was up 52 pounds from last year, at 336 pounds.

Pork production totaled 2.00 billion pounds, up 15 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 9.43 million head, up 16 percent from June 2014. The average live weight was down 3 pounds from the previous year, at 282 pounds.

Lamb and mutton production, at 13.4 million pounds, was up slightly from June 2014. Sheep slaughter totaled 193,900 head, slightly above last year. The average live weight was 139 pounds, up 1 pound from June a year ago.

January to June 2015 commercial red meat production was 23.7 billion pounds, up 1 percent from 2014. Accumulated beef production was down 4 percent from last year, veal was down 20 percent, pork was up 7 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 4 percent.

Source: USDA

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