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Season-Long Water and Manure Management to be Featured at Aug. 2 Field Day

By Kapil Arora and Daniel Andersen

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host the “In-Season Manure Application with Irrigation Field Day” on Aug. 2 at Brent Renner’s Farm, near Klemme.

The day will feature innovative and climate-smart strategies aimed at helping solve nutrient water quality issues originating from agriculture.

“Yield improvement from consistent and timely watering, the ability to introduce manure or critical nutrients throughout the growing season past V4 corn growth stage, and lowering off-season manure application costs are all key aspects of a recently introduced system, 360 RAIN from 360 Yield Center,” said Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer with ISU Extension and Outreach.

The field day will demonstrate this autonomous machine, which applies irrigation water or diluted manure to the base of a growing crop season-long. Learn about the details of the USDA Conservation Innovation Grant Project using 360 RAIN at this field day. A summary of the first year’s research will also be shared.

Iowa State researchers are teaming up with Ohio State University, and with industry partners, for developing and demonstrating in-season manure and nutrient management strategy, including projects like 360 RAIN.

Based on first year’s data, information will be shared on the topics of in-season manure application and irrigation strategy, corn plant nutrient needs and supply, economics of in-season manure application and what this all means for overall on-farm manure management. Field demonstrations will be held after the presentations and will conclude by 3 p.m.

The field day flyer explains the activities for the day. The program will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a free lunch for registered participants.

Commercial and confinement manure applicators, agency staff involved in manure management, manure planners and consultants, watershed coordinators and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to attend. The field day is a collaborative effort of the Iowa Pork Producers Association, 360 RAIN and ISU Extension and Outreach.

Registration is required. Register by July 29 to ensure a free meal. Call the ISU Extension and Outreach Hancock County office at 641-923-2856 or email

Interested participants can also register online by visiting

The Renner Farm is located at 2455 180th St., Klemme, Iowa.

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