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Secretary Perdue Statement on Dicamba Plaintiffs' Attack on EPA Order

By Sonny Perdue
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today issued the following statement:
“USDA supports the actions taken by the EPA to respond responsibly to the decision of the Ninth Circuit regarding Dicamba. At a time when the security of the food supply chain is paramount, the Center for Biological Diversity and its allies seek to cripple American farmers and further limit their ability to feed, fuel, and clothe this nation and the world. The Ninth Circuit should not allow plaintiffs’ hostility against the American farmer to cloud the fact that the EPA’s actions follow both legal precedent and common sense.”
EPA’s order allowing for the limited use of existing chemical stocks already purchased follows EPA precedents from the Obama and Clinton Administrations when the registrations for other crop protection tools were cancelled.
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Cleaning And Servicing Our Farm Equipment

Video: Cleaning And Servicing Our Farm Equipment

I'm wrapping up the 2024 season by cleaning up all the equipment we used this year. Everything gets blown off with the air compressor or a leaf blower followed by a nice bath. And of course the last thing to do after a good bath is to go around and service all the grease points with ?@mystiklubricants? grease!