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Sen. Moran Leads Colleagues in Reintroducing Farm to Fly Act to Expand Use of Biofuels for Aviation

U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) recently reintroduced legislation that would help accelerate the production and development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) through existing U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs to allow further growth for alternative fuels to be used in the aviation sector and create new markets for American farmers.

The Farm to Fly Act would utilize current USDA programs to support the development of SAF, clarify federal definitions for SAF and enable greater collaboration between USDA and the private sector. In September, Sens. Moran, Duckworth, Klobuchar and John Boozman (R-Ark.) launched the Sustainable Aviation Caucus to promote the longevity of the aviation and renewable fuels industries.

“Sustainable aviation fuel is a promising alternative fuel source that can provide new markets for farmers while increasing our domestic energy production and security,” said Sen. Moran. “This legislation would increase the accessibility of biofuels for commercial use and directly support rural America and its farmers, the agriculture industry and the aviation sector.”

“Homegrown biofuels are good for Americans’ pocketbooks, the environment and national security,” said Sen. Grassley. “By investing in sustainable aviation fuel, the Farm to Fly Act will expand markets for farmers, onshore American energy production and drive economic growth.”

“One of the most important things we can do to make American aviation more sustainable is increase the supply of American-grown, American-made sustainable aviation fuel,” said Sen. Duckworth. “I’m proud to reintroduce our bipartisan bill that would build on my Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accuracy Act to increase USDA’s collaboration with the aviation biofuels sector and expand the market of sustainable aviation fuel, which would be a true win-win solution that supports domestic farmers and blenders while reducing our nation’s carbon footprint.”

“Incorporating SAF into USDA programs will play a key role in moving us toward energy independence while promoting homegrown Iowa biofuels that support our farmers and producers,” said Sen. Ernst. “Supporting sustainable aviation fuel helps further the United States’ national security and our farmers’ future.”

“Alternative energies like sustainable aviation fuel create jobs in rural areas, bolster our national security, and reduce carbon emissions from air travel,” said Sen. Klobuchar. “This bipartisan bill with Senators Moran and Ernst will be another step forward in securing new markets for domestically produced biofuel.”

The Farm to Fly Act would:

  • Clarify eligibility for SAF within current USDA Bio-Energy Programs, expanding markets for American agricultural crops through aviation bioenergy;
  • Provide for greater collaboration for aviation biofuels throughout USDA agency mission areas, increasing private sector partnerships; and
  • Affirm a common definition of SAF for USDA purposes, as widely supported by industry to enable U.S. crops to most effectively contribute to aviation renewable fuels.

This legislation is also supported by aviation, agriculture and energy leaders.

“The Kansas Corn Growers Association supports Senator Moran’s continued leadership in Sustainable Aviation Fuel with the Farm to Fly Act,” said J.D. Hanna, President of Kansas Corn Growers Association. “Corn-based ethanol is poised to play a key role in Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and this legislation builds on our ongoing SAF efforts with airline companies. It is imperative that we continue to build viable markets for American farmers, and ethanol-based SAF would be a game-changer for corn and ethanol producers and the rural economy.”

"The National Sorghum Producers thank Senator Moran for the effort behind this legislation and the recognition that changes need to be within current law to allow flexibility for commodities to participate in the renewable fuels sector,” said Amy France, Chairwoman of the National Sorghum Producers. “We look forward to working with Senator Moran and the Senate Agriculture leadership on a final product in the Farm Bill."  

“Kansas soybean producers thank Senator Moran for his continued leadership on issues that impact Kansas farmers,” said Scott Gigstad, President of the Kansas Soybean Association. “The Farm to Fly Act will be key to one of the newest soybean market opportunities really taking flight. As airlines look to reduce emissions, sustainably-grown Kansas soybeans will play a key role.”

"The Farm to Fly Act is even more important now than it was in the last Congress, as the entire rural economy is currently facing a period of significant financial strain," said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. "Creating new opportunities to increase farm income must be a priority for the incoming Congress, and this bill would be a great start. We commend Senator Moran for reintroducing this important legislation, and encourage every lawmaker who cares about America's farm economy to support it."

“America’s farmers are well-positioned to supply sustainable agriculture feedstocks that will help scale production of the sustainable aviation fuel in demand by airlines today,” said Lindsay Fitzgerald, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Gevo. “The Farm to Fly Act recognizes agriculture is key to enabling cleaner flight, including using a data-driven tool to account for the benefits of farmers’ production practices with the Argonne GREET model. Gevo thanks Senators Jerry Moran, Amy Klobuchar and Joni Ernst for their leadership and supports this legislation that affirms the role of farmers in growing these new fuels.”

“Continued support of sustainable aviation fuels makes sense because it promotes the American ag sector, energy independence and job creation,” said Airlines for America. “Working to increase production of cost-competitive SAF, as the Farm to Fly Act does, is an America First energy policy. We appreciate Senator Moran’s strong leadership on this issue.”  

“The Farm to Fly Act is a meaningful step forward in harnessing the full potential of American agriculture to advance sustainable aviation fuel,” said Alison Graab, Executive Director of the SAF Coalition. “By helping to expand markets for U.S. farmers, this legislation not only strengthens our nation’s energy dominance but also uplifts rural communities across the country. We are grateful to Senator Moran for his continued leadership in creating and supporting solutions to advance SAF.”

“The Farm to Fly Act is a true win-win for both the aviation and agriculture industries,” said Pete Bunce, President and CEO of General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA). “This important legislation is vital to expanding the supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel which is the key enabler needed for the aviation industry to meet our collective sustainability goals. We are grateful for Senator Moran’s reintroduction of this critical legislation and his continued leadership and efforts to champion the important priorities of the aviation industry.”

"Expanding the production, availability and use of sustainable aviation fuel is essential to our industry's goal of achieving net-zero emissions in the years to come," said Ed Bolen, NBAA President and CEO. "Sustainable aviation technologies will also strengthen the American economy by generating countless jobs in manufacturing, feedstock production and energy generation. We applaud Sen. Moran for reintroducing the Farm to Fly Act, to solidify our nation's role as a global leader in safety, sustainability and innovation."

“Delta Air Lines greatly appreciates Senators Moran, Klobuchar, Duckworth, Ernst, Grassley and Ricketts’ bipartisan leadership on this issue,” said Cherie Wilson, Vice President of Government Affairs – Sustainability for Delta Air Lines. “SAF is the most important lever we have today to decarbonize aviation, but it can also become the fuel that helps power America’s economic engine by creating good-paying jobs in the agricultural, feedstock production, construction and manufacturing sectors. SAF is not only a certain job creator, but scaling the SAF market here in the U.S. will reduce U.S. reliance on foreign energy sources and increase our global industrial competitiveness.”

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