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Sheep production expands in Saskatchewan

The sheep industry in Saskatchewan is on the rise, according to an organization representing sheep producers.
The Sheep Development Board said about 40 new people joined the industry in the past year.
“The ethnic population is growing. Millennials are eating lamb, so consumption is going up year-after-year – so huge opportunity for growth in the industry,” Gord Schroeder, the director of the board, told CTV News.
An ewe and her lambs on Willenborg's farm. (Laura Woodward/CTV Saskatoon)
Chris Willenborg, a sheep producer near Saskatoon, represents the province’s growth.
Willenborg expects his ewes to birth about 35 lambs this season – nearly double from last year.
“There are definitely a lot of small producers getting into it that contribute direct farm to fork sales,” Willenborg said.
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