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SowBridge And PorkBridge Program Registrations Now Open

K-State is one of 11 universities making swine distance education programs possible.
Registration for two distance education programs for specific segments of the pork industry are now open through Iowa State University. SowBridge, for people who work with boars, sows and their litters, begins its eighth year, and PorkBridge, for those affiliated with grow-finish facilities, begins its 10th year, both in February 2016.
Kansas State University animal science professor and extension swine specialist, Joel DeRouchey said comments and suggestions from subscribers help maintain the value of both programs for future participants. K-State is one of 11 universities that developed and participate in the programs.
“These programs provide our subscribers with the opportunity to hear directly from experts on topics of current interest, and to contact those experts following the individual sessions,” DeRouchey said. “We are also pleased to announce the registration fee has not changed for either program.”
Registration for each provides access to one phone line per session and all program materials for each registration. Program costs are slightly different for those with non-U.S. mailing addresses, and potential subscribers from outside the United States are encouraged to contact Sherry Hoyer at Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC) by phone at 515-294-4496 or email for more information. Kansas residents who want more information on either program can call DeRouchey at 785-532-2280.
Before each session, subscribers will receive an email message with links to download the materials for that session. Most participants will call a toll-free conference line to listen to and interact with presenters, and the audio portions of all sessions for both programs are recorded. Links to download those recordings are sent to all subscribers of the respective program after each session.
Registrations for both programs are due Jan. 10, 2016, to ensure participants receive materials in time for the first session of each program.
Registration is $250 for the 12-session program year. Sessions are approximately 45 minutes long, and are on the first Wednesday of each month beginning at 11:30 a.m. Central Time. More information and registration information is available online at Swine Research and Extension. 
Registration is $125 for six sessions delivered on an every-other-month basis. These sessions are approximately 90 minutes long, and begin at noon Central time on the first Thursday of the specified months. More information and registration information is available online at Swine Research and Extension.

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