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Soybeans changing rapidly: Bean Report

Crops are taking advantage of the recent heat and moisture.

Jennifer McCombe-Theroux is a production specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers.

"Soybeans have been changing rapidly and range from R1, the beginning bloom stage to R3, early pod. Now is an ideal time to check nodulation to ensure your inoculation strategy was successful. We are seeing some signs of bacterial blight in fields that have had hail or strong storms. At low severity level, this isn't typically a yield limiting disease. As well, low instances of aphids in the central region. As you're out checking nodulation, this is also a good time to check the newest growth for signs of aphids."

She notes field peas range from V11 to R3, the flat pod stage.

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In the Markets - Doug Simon

Video: In the Markets - Doug Simon

Joining us this week to discuss the trends impacting the markets is Tredas's Doug Simon. Here is our conversation from Thursday morning.