By Bill Thompson
Despite declining numbers, sheep and goats continue to be in demand and fetch good prices in Texas, said Bill Thompson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service economist, San Angelo.
Texas produces more sheep and goats than any other state, Thompson said. Texas produced more goats than the next 10 U.S. states combined, and the highest number of sheep.

A group of crossbred ewes kept for meat production, commonly called hair sheep, graze native pasture in West Texas with their guard donkey. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo by Steve Byrns)
The Texas goat market accounted for more than $122 million in sales last year, Thompson said. The five-year average for sheep sales in Texas was $111 million per year.
Sheep and goat numbers have declined slightly, around 1 percent, overall, Thompson said, but the demand for both remains strong, especially as ethnic and immigrant markets continue to expand and producer and seller logistics improve.
Thompson said the mild winter and early spring conditions likely eased the lambing and kidding season for producers.
“Prices in the lamb market are good, but not near what they were,” he said. “But the market is interesting because there are really two markets now as hair sheep have become popular.”
Rambouillet sheep traditionally dominated the market, he said. But hair sheep have overtaken them and represent two-thirds of marketings in Texas now.
Prices for both Rambouillet and hair sheep are slightly below what they were this time last year and below the five-year average but are still historically good, Thompson said. First quarter slaughter lamb prices are $2.12 per pound compared to $2.13 per pound last year.
Thompson said producers and sellers have improved the logistics of getting lambs to market for consumers conveniently over the last several years.
“They do a good job, when there is opportunity to put lambs in feedlots to run their weight up,” he said. “When buyers can pencil out profits on higher weights, they will do that.”
Thompson said the goat market is “amazing right now.”
“Prices are as strong as they were a year ago and above the five-year average,” he said. “They’ve really been on a tear the last few years.”
Kid goats are averaging $2.63 per pound and showing high demand in ethnic markets, Thompson said.
“So you have say a 50-pound goat that is bought for slaughter at $2.63 per pound, and you yield a 26-pound carcass. It’s $131 for that carcass, which seems expensive, but they’re still selling,” he said.
But Thompson said despite good prices and demand, some producers are switching from goats to hair sheep because they are more resistant to parasites and easier to handle and care for.
“Goats can be trouble,” he said. “They can be aggressive and are really good at causing damage and getting out of pens. Some producers are weighing the costs and benefits and many have switched to hair sheep.”
AgriLife Extension district reporters compiled the following summaries:
CENTRAL: Counties continued to receive rainfall, which hindered some planting. However, dry weather was anticipated and planting was expected to resume as fields dry. Subsoil moisture was good. Corn and summer hay pastures were being planted. Hay feeding slowed somewhat due to annual grasses greening up and growing. Local auctions reported cattle prices were down. Cattle and small livestock were in good condition. Temperatures were still warmer than average for this time of year. Most counties reported good soil moisture. Overall crops, rangeland and pasture conditions were good.
ROLLING PLAINS: Dry and windy conditions were reported across the district. The wind dried out the soil profile, but the warm sunny days helped wheat and tricale grow. Producers sprayed for weed control and prepared equipment for planting. Wild ryegrass and spring pastures were starting to come out, and there was one report that mesquite trees were starting to green up. Lots of donated hay was heading to the Panhandle from area producers for wildfire victims’ livestock.
COASTAL BEND: Conditions were wet. Crop planting slowed in some areas as producers were unable to access saturated fields. Corn and sorghum emerged in some areas. Early planted cotton was also sprouting. Fertilizer was applied to some hay fields. Pastures were greening up nicely and should supply abundant forage this spring. Livestock were finding increasing amounts of winter forages available, along with some early green up of warm-season grasses. Cattle remained in excellent condition.
EAST: Much-needed rains were received around the district. Pasture and rangeland conditions varied from excellent in Rusk County to very poor in Trinity and Anderson counties. Most counties reported good conditions. In Anderson County, winter pastures were coming on strong. Producers were still supplementing with protein and energy feeds. Cherokee County reported ponds and creeks were full. Subsoil conditions were mostly adequate with only Shelby and Trinity counties reporting short conditions. Topsoil conditions were adequate. Spring showers were keeping the ground moist and saturated in some places. Soaking rains have set up great growing conditions in Upshur County. Ryegrass was starting to grow in Wood County. Warm-season grasses were greening up. Vegetable producers were planting and preparing land. Around 75 percent of corn fields were planted in Anderson County with 250 acres replanted due to wild pig damage. Producers were concerned about fruit tree chill hours due to a lack of cool weather. Growers were pruning peach trees in Gregg County. Livestock were in good body condition. In Trinity County, cattle were in various stages of condition with some in great condition and some looked hard kept. Marion County cows were calving, and calves were growing well. Cattle prices in Gregg County were up a bit. Shelby County reported prices were better. Smith County producers were preparing to vaccinate cattle as part of spring cattle work.
SOUTH PLAINS: The district experienced smoke on March 7 from deadly Panhandle wildfires. Continued high winds and dry weather depleted subsoil and topsoil moisture levels. Moisture was needed badly. Several wheat fields were jointing and being pushed along by the warmest February temperatures on record. Field preparations were occurring for the spring planting season, including shaping of beds, some pre-plant irrigation and herbicide applications. Many cotton producers were pre-watering. Crops and rangeland look good but could use some precipitation. Winter wheat and oats could use moisture.
PANHANDLE: The district was warm, dry and very windy with high fire danger. The reporting period was devastating for the district due to high winds and wildfire outbreaks. The fires were responsible for four human deaths in the Panhandle district and about a half million acres of grassland lost and an unknown number of cattle and fence lines lost. Potter County lost 28,000 acres. Gray County lost 135,000 acres, and Lipscomb County was hit hardest with 315,000 acres lost. Randall County producers were donating needed supplies such as feed, hay, livestock medication and fencing materials to designated delivery points to assist farmers and ranchers affected by the disaster. High winds continued to deplete soil moisture. Some cooler temperatures and some moisture were reported, but soil moisture was short. Producers were applying fertilizers and pre-emergence chemicals and started irrigating wheat. The weather conditions made irrigated wheat fields jump with lush rank growth. Few insect problems were noted so far with a few fields showing signs of brown wheat mites. There were still many stocker cattle on wheat pastures, and it appears producers intend on grazing the wheat instead of going to harvest. Cattle conditions continued to be good. Some strip tilling took place. Producers were preparing fields for the upcoming planting season.
NORTH: Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels ranged from mostly adequate to short with a few counties reporting surplus. Reported rainfall amounts were from a trace to about 0.5 of an inch. Temperatures were warmer than normal. Farmers were preparing land for spring planting. Wheat fields were being fertilized, and winter grains looked good. Everything was greening up. Some peach trees were starting to bloom. Some ponds were still low. Corn farmers were not planting yet, possibly due to the recent rains. Cattle were in good shape.
FAR WEST: Temperature highs were in the 80s with lows in the 40s. Precipitation averaged 1 inch. Fires in the Panhandle affected the sunlight and polluted the air. High winds dried the topsoil. Producers continued to prepare fields for spring planting. Wheat made progress, and weed control applications were being made on fields with better yield potential. Perennial grasses were beginning to green up at the base in some locations, but mesquites had not yet budded out. Producers continued to feed wildlife and livestock. Lambing and kidding continued.
WEST CENTRAL: Spring-like weather conditions were arriving early. Warm days and cool nights continued. No rainfall was reported. Rangeland fire conditions had producers on high alert. Field work continued to increase in preparation for spring planting. Corn planting was underway and sorghum will be planted soon. Small grains continued to do well. Cotton ginning was wrapping up. Rangeland and pastures continued to look good and were greening-up. Warm-season forages and native grasses were breaking dormancy. Livestock remained in good condition and small grain grazing was still holding on. Supplemental feeding continued to decrease. Fruit trees were blooming. Mesquite and other trees were beginning to bud out very early.
SOUTHEAST: It rained most of the reporting period with reports of light showers that did not halt fieldwork to 3-4 inches of rain, which halted the planting of corn and sorghum. Additional rain was forecast. Livestock were in good condition. Growing conditions were good. Cool-season pastures were growing. The early green conditions have producers wanting to get started with fertilizer and herbicide applications in pastures. Pasture and rangeland conditions remained fair. Soil moisture levels ranged widely from adequate to surplus with mostly adequate ratings.
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