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Texas Farm Bureau Encourages Youth to ‘Speak Out for Agriculture’

During a strategic planning meeting in 2018, Texas Farm Bureau outlined a goal to enhance and expand its educational outreach to millions of Texans. The Speak Out for Agriculture (SOFA) Challenge was created in partnership with Heart O’ Texas Fair and Rodeo to promote youth interest in agriculture and develop informed consumers.

SOFA Challenge Overview

First hosted in 2021, the SOFA Challenge is a two-day event consisting of four rounds of competition. On day one, participants are given a topic and one hour to research and prepare a 90-second response, which they then present to a panel of judges. Once all participants complete the first two rounds, scores are totaled, and the top 16 scorers advance to the Sweet Sixteen.

The Sweet Sixteen occurs on day two, shifting from a stand-and-deliver format to a discussion-based format. Similar to day one, a topic is drawn for the Sweet Sixteen round, and students are given one hour to prepare before delivering a brief opening statement. They then have 20-25 minutes to discuss the topic collectively in front of the judges.

After the Sweet Sixteen, the process is repeated with the Final Four. Students are given a new topic and time to prepare before completing an additional discussion. Once completed, judges tally their scores to deliver a final placing. 

The contest is open to 4-H and FFA high school students across the state. Participants are encouraged to view the challenge as a collective conversation, not a debate. They should remain flexible and open to fluid discussion as they work together to solve agricultural issues.

SOFA Challenge awards are quite generous, encouraging steep competition amongst participants. The top 16 individuals each receive a $125 gift card and the top four scorers receive a monetary scholarship, a custom jacket and a banner.

The contest is open to 4-H and FFA high school students across the state. Participants are encouraged to view the challenge as a collective conversation, not a debate.

SOFA Challenge Impact

The event is only two days in length, but to be successful, participants must ready themselves by understanding current issues facing agriculture while preparing their thoughts and opinions on solutions to these issues.

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