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Texas Longhorns "WOW" at Summer Pen Show

The Canadian Texas Longhorn Association held a Summer Pen Show in Saskatchewan over the weekend.

The Longhorn event was held during Frontier Days in Swift Current. 

Longhorns are considered to be a fairly easy going animal that does extremely well in the drier conditions.

Pete Hildebrand from Hanley is President of the Canadian Texas Longhorn Association and says it was a great event and they'd like to return next year.

He notes they had great participation with 20 mature animals along with some calves shown by exhibitors from across Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Hildebrand along with his base cattle operation has about 10 Longhorns and ended up showing the Grand Champion Texas Longhorn Bull - a two year old with a horn span tip-to-tip of over 48 inches.

"That was a bull that I bought last fall off of a good friend of mine from Manitoba. His name is Knight's Blade and he just is an awesome bull. I think he's going to produce some real nice calves for us."

Hildebrand says he'll likely be taking him to Canadian Western Agribition in the Fall. 

The Grand Champion Female was shown by Gus Joyes of Athabasca, Alberta.

He says the female that won it for him is named Prairie Fire and is 7 years old.

"I'd say she's fairly balanced overall, the judge commented he liked her udder. I was busy during the show but, from what I remember, she had a little more horn than all but one in the show. She's just an overall showy animal. I'll likely take her and a few more to Agribition this fall."

The judge for the Texas Longhorn Pen Show was Alvin Pawlitza.

He says it was a great show adding that while he has judged numerous livestock events, this was his first time judging the longhorns.

"The Longhorn breed has a rich history in the beef industry.  One of the components of it is an added market to those cattle for their horns, and for their hides. Their horn placement, and the spread of their horns and this sort of thing. Which, quite frankly, I wasn't familiar with until I looked into it a little bit."

Deb Lesyk and Dwight Overlid of Outlook, showed the Reserve Grand Champion Bull and Female during Saskatchewan's Texas Longhorn Summer Pen Show. 

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