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This is What Showing Livestock is All About

Stock show kids are cut from a different mold. Driven by a purpose greater than themselves, they know it's up to them to help their animals thrive. I don’t know why this changes something in them, but it seems to equip them with an internal drive to push harder and work longer than others. In the end, they walk with a greater confidence and perspective. 

I think that’s why I love writing about young people who show livestock. Although their stories are different, common themes emerge.

  • A desire to help other people. 
  • A willingness to ask questions and seek to improve. 
  • A relentless pursuit of their dreams. 
  • A commitment to work harder than expected.
  • A belief in passing on what they’ve learned to others.
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High Path Avian Influenza Update


Barry Whitworth, OSU Extension veterinarian, discusses the recent news and status of high path avian influenza both in the state and in the country.