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Todd Lewis back as 2nd Vice-President of the CFA

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture holding their Annual General Meeting this week.

During the meeting Saskatchewan's Todd Lewis, Past-President of APAS was elected as Second Vice-President of the CFA for a second term.

Lewis is joined at the meeting by 14 delegates from the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan including President Ian Boxall.

Boxall says they are very pleased to see Todd serve as Vice President of the national farm organization.

"We know he will continue to serve as a strong voice for Western Canadian producers on the national level, where many important decisions are made."

 Four of the APAS delegates are participants in the APAS Youth Mentorship and Leadership program.

The four had an opportunity to meet with Federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, Opposition Agriculture Critic John Barlow, MP, as well as senior executives of Farm Credit Canada.

FCC is the program sponsor for the mentorship program.

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