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Upcoming Vacancies for Agencies, Boards or Commissions

Applications are currently being accepted for the vacancies listed below. You may also apply to any agency, board or commission anytime throughout the year.

Agencies, Boards or Commissions

Agricultural Insurance Corporation 

The P.E.I. Agricultural Insurance Corporation is a Provincial Crown Corporation and has a board of directors who oversee the Corporation’s activities. The role of the Board includes providing advice regarding production insurance policy and administration, review of claims, reinsurance plans, and mediation requirements. The Department of Agriculture values and supports diversity in representation in its agencies, boards and commissions and encourages applicants from across the Island’s diverse population.

To ensure representation across agricultural sectors, the P.E.I. Agricultural Insurance Corporation is seeking applications from fruit growers in central PEI. 

Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2024. 

Community Health Engagement Committee

Would you like to provide more local and regional input to the Minister and to Health PEI with respect to health services and health policy? 

The Western Community Health Engagement Committee is currently seeking membership applications for public representatives who reside in the federal electoral district. Those interested in representing your community regarding health needs and services.   

Expectation of four meetings per year (in-person and virtual) and committee appointments are for a three-year term with the possibility of re-appointment to a second term. 

Members do not receive a per diem for this board but may be eligible for reimbursement for travel expenses to attend meetings and events.

The Committee is currently seeking applicants for members at large to represent diverse communities in Western PEI.

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Supply Chains: What They Mean To Your Food Business

Video: Supply Chains: What They Mean To Your Food Business

Join Supply Chain Manitoba expert, Richard Reid, as he delivers a presentation on supply chains and what they mean to your food business. This webinar will provide a thorough overview of supply chain fundamentals, with an emphasis on transportation and distribution.