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Update On Hay West Initiative

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) has announced that Farm Credit Canada (FCC) and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) have both made substantial contributions to the Hay West 2021 initiative to help cover the shipping costs to send hay to drought-stricken farmers in the Prairie provinces.

The Hay West initiative helps farmers in the West who are currently suffering from a hay shortage due to devastating drought. Farmers from the East Coast, as well as Ontario and Quebec, have committed and/or donated hay to be sent out west to help feed livestock.

“CFA would like to thank both FCC and OFA for their generous contributions. FCC has supported farmers for a long time through their services, and we greatly appreciate the help they are offering today. The donation from OFA continues a long history of farmers helping out their colleagues from all across Canada whenever they are hit by devastating and uncontrollable circumstances,” said CFA President, Mary Robinson.

The OFA has contributed $50,000 to the initiative, while FCC has contributed $25,000. FCC has also agreed to provide an additional $25,000 if CFA is able to secure an additional $25,000 contribution from another source.

All proceeds from donations go directly to paying the shipping costs for moving hay across Canada and the logistical support needed to do so.

CFA currently has tens of thousands of bales of hay to be sent to the Prairie provinces, but the demand for hay is still extremely high and more is needed.

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