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Updated moisture meter calibrations

Moisture is one of the most important components of grain. It can affect the quality, test weight and appearance of grain. Grain that is too moist is susceptible to deterioration which affects the stability, quality and safety of foods. Moisture is an economically important quality factor to the producer, grain company, processor and consumer.

Moisture content in grain is typically measured using moisture meters which employ indirect methods to obtain results. To ensure accurate measurements, moisture meters are calibrated against official oven drying methods. Moisture calibrations align the meter’s measurements to the official method result.

The Canadian Grain Commission determines the moisture content of grain with Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm (UGMA) moisture meters. UGMA models include the Perten (PerkinElmer) AM 5200-A and the DICKEY-john GAC 2500-INTL. The Canadian Grain Commission also monitors and updates conversion tables for the model 919/3.5” moisture meter as it is still in operation in the grain sector.

The Canadian Grain Commission verifies the accuracy of existing moisture calibrations for the UGMA moisture meters and moisture conversion tables for the model 919/3.5” moisture meter using samples obtained from the annual harvest. Updates to calibrations and conversion tables are made when the difference between meter results and official method results exceed tolerances for the most recent 3 years (minimum) of data for each grain type. Calibration development for both model 919 and UGMA-type moisture meters is based on best-fit regressions to the official method results. In choosing the best calibration, the overall fit of the regression is evaluated, not specific samples.

The Canadian Grain Commission will apply the moisture calibration and conversion table updates listed below to all Canadian Grain Commission instruments effective July 1, 2024. The Canadian Grain Commission recommends the grain sector implements these updates to ensure accurate measurements and fair transactions.

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