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USDA: Corn Maturity Lags Slightly; Soybeans On Track

Temperatures averaged near normal across western Nebraska, but two to six degrees below normal in the east for the week ending Sept. 10, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Precipitation was scattered and limited. Seed corn harvest was underway.
Topsoil moisture supplies rated 11% very short, 33% short, 56% adequate, and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 12% very short, 35% short, 53% adequate, and 0% surplus.
Field Crop Condition and Progress
  • Corn condition rated 4% very poor, 8% poor, 24% fair, 47% good, and 17% excellent, down just slightly from the week ending Oct. 3 with 4% very poor, 9% poor, 24% fair, 45% good, and 18% excellent. Corn dented was 86%, near 87% last year and 85% for the five-year average. Mature was 18%, behind 25% last year and the five-year average of 27%. Harvested was 2%, near last year's 1% and the average of 3%. Nationally, 5% of the corn crop has been harvested.
  • Soybean condition rated 3% very poor, 7% poor, 27% fair, 51% good, and 12% excellent, very near last week's 3% very poor, 7% poor, 26% fair, 51% good, and 13% excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 28%, near 27% last year and the average of 25%.
  • Winter wheat planted was 7%, behind 17% last year and 13% average.
  • Sorghum condition rated 1% very poor, 2% poor, 29% fair, 50% good, and 18% excellent. Sorghum coloring was 84%, behind 94% last year, but ahead of the five-year average of 77%. Mature was 15%, behind 21% last year, but ahead of the 8% average.
  • Alfalfa condition rated 3% very poor, 10% poor, 31% fair, 44% good, and 12% excellent. Alfalfa fourth cutting was 57% complete, ahead of 50% last year and the average of 47%.
  • Dry edible beans condition rated 7% very poor, 17% poor, 16% fair, 44% good, and 16% excellent. Dry edible beans dropping leaves was 54%, well behind 74% last year, and behind the average of 71%. Eight percent of the crop had been harvested, behind 14% both last year and for the average.
  • Proso millet harvested was 5%, behind 12% last year and 24% average.
  • Pasture and range conditions rated 5% very poor, 18% poor, 47% fair, 27% good, and 3% excellent.

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