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USDA Proposes Another Step Toward Making Chicken Farming Equitable

By Dave Dickey

If you beat the brains out of the competition and win a title, the league can choose to reward you with additional TV appearances that result in more money in your pocket. On the other hand, if you finish dead last, the league can choose to not only drop you off the TV schedule but reduce your team’s revenue sharing.

For its part, the league is perfectly happy with the arrangement, believing all its member teams will be forced to play harder, as well as invest heavily in infrastructure — stadium improvements for example — to avoid finishing at the dreaded bottom.

Then why would anyone want to own a team with those kinds of risks and rewards? Who would do such a thing?

Welcome to chicken farming.

As it turns out under Big Poultry’s tournament system producers who fail to meet production goals receive deductions — call them fines — in their base pay. Those dollars are then funneled to producers who exceed production goals.

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