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USPOULTRY Financial Management Seminar To Focus On Economic Indicators That Impact The Bottom Line

Financial managers play a key role in every organization, whether it is using financial skills to make decisions that affect stakeholder value, utilizing accounting information to make strategic decisions or closely assessing key performance drivers . USPOULTRY’s 2015 Financial Management Seminar will take a look at current economic factors and will assist financial managers in staying abreast of future challenges . The seminar is scheduled for June 22 - 24, at the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

“ Economic indicators provide financial managers predictive value in terms of future expectations. This year’s program offer s a wide range of presentations discussing these key indicators , including a global market overview , a tax update , an economic forecas t and an analyst’s perspective,” remarked program committee c hairman, Charlie Singleton , Tip Top Poultry .

Other t opics include: A Top Management Perspective of Poultry Financial Management ; A Washington Review; Customer Expectations ; A Poultry Industry Overview; Cyber Security...Is Your Data Protected?; Legal Environment of the Poultry Industry ; and a Recruiting and Retaining Emerging Leaders Panel . A series of small group breakout sessions will also address topics , such as Benchmarking; Mobile Technology ; Recruiting and Retention; Live Production Accounting ; Egg Industry Issues; Turkey Industry Issues ; Tangible Property Regulations...Repair and Maintenance ; and Process ing Accounting

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