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Watch out for farm vehicles, OPP warn

Lambton OPP are warning drivers to slow down and be careful this fall as more farm vehicles are expected to be on the road in rural Lambton County.

Those farm vehicles can cause delays on rural roads but are essential for agriculture in rural Ontario. Other drivers are urged to be cautious, especially since some farm vehicles do not have turn signals and cannot slow down as easily as smaller vehicles.

Farm vehicles in Southwestern Ontario have been involved in a handful of collisions in recent years, many of them fatal. Often those collisions are not the fault of the farm vehicle driver. Speed limits along major rural thoroughfares are often posted at 80 km/h to 90 km/h whereas farm vehicles usually go less than half that speed, between 30 km/h to 40 km/h.


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Video: How To Draw Gingerbread Man Rollerblading

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