Marc Hutlet Seeds Update
Aug 03, 2018

Video: Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Update on corn and soybeans.


 Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Update on corn and soybeans.... More
Weed of the Week - Sagebrush

Weed of the Week - Sagebrush

If you have sagebrush in your pasture or rangeland, you may want to control it to maximize your grass production.... More
Iron Talk - Seeding Cover Crops

Iron Talk - Seeding Cover Crops

Darren Hefty has some tips on achieving a good cover crop stand.... More
Protecting Crops From Grasshoppers

Protecting Crops From Grasshoppers

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the importance and methods of controlling grasshoppers in and around your crop fields.... More
Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Adding windows to poultry houses is an inexpensive way to improve the environment for broilers and possibly improve productivity, according to Rachel Lynn Dennis, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland.... More
 AgXplore Nitrogen Management & Hail Recovery Program

AgXplore Nitrogen Management & Hail Recovery Program

Agxplore has been in the Nitrogen management business for nearly 20 years. At the 2018 Ag In Motion farm show in Saskatchewan last week Jennifer Posey told us about their unique hail recovery program.... More
Meet Prof. Susan Glasauer

Meet Prof. Susan Glasauer

Susan Glasauer is a professor in the School of Environmental Sciences who researches microbial geochemistry, soil chemistry and bio-geochemistry.... More

 Corn Chopping 10 Rows at a Time

Corn Chopping 10 Rows at a Time

Watch corn being chopped 10 rows at a time by a 725 hp Krone Big X 700 self propelled forage harvester. Big Tractor Power climbs up in the cab to see the operators view of the big forage harvester working its way across in the field.... More
Guelph Talks Food - Plant Communication

Guelph Talks Food - Plant Communication

Clarence Swanton, professor in the department of plant agriculture, discusses how plant communication can impact agricultural yield and productivity.... More
Choosing a Spray Nozzle

Choosing a Spray Nozzle

We look at some technologies that are used in agriculture and we start with a sprayer nozzle demonstration with John Long.... More
Growing Impact of Drones In Agriculture

Growing Impact of Drones In Agriculture

Brian Arnall shows us how UAVs, commonly known as drones, are used in agriculture.... More
Wheat Market Monitor: Price Rebounding

Wheat Market Monitor: Price Rebounding

Kim Anderson says the price of wheat has rebounded and “in the trade war, ag is the pawn and the two countries are trying to take care of them.... More
Weed of the Week - Fall Panicum

Weed of the Week - Fall Panicum

Learn tips to identify and control fall panicum on your farm.... More
A Look at the World Meat Congress

A Look at the World Meat Congress

We take you inside the World Meat Congress, the premier gathering of meat and livestock production experts from around the globe.... More
Prof. Nicolas Brunet (environmental planning & development)

Prof. Nicolas Brunet (environmental planning & development)

Ontario Agricultural College - Nicolas Brunet is a professor in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development whose research uses social ecological systems thinking to propose innovative approaches to community and regional planning and development.... More
 Honey Bee swather

Honey Bee swather

Honey Bee 50' tractor mounted swather working in a failed crop in Saskatchewan.... More
 Kubota - Ag In Motion 2018

Kubota - Ag In Motion 2018

Kubota at Ag In Motion 2018 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.... More
John Deere Equipment Helps S.C. Operation Meet Sustainability Goals

John Deere Equipment Helps S.C. Operation Meet Sustainability Goals

We introduce you to a South Carolina husband and wife team who built their Angus Seedstock operation together, as the first generation on the land. See how John Deere equipment is helping the Yon family grow their farm, while adding the second generation into the business.... More
Cover Crops

Cover Crops

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss their experience with and ideas for planting cover crops.... More
Ag Minute - Goss

Ag Minute - Goss' Wilt

Darren Hefty talks about the corn disease known as "Goss' wilt".... More
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