Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity
Jul 25, 2018

Video: Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity

Glenn Selk answers the old question, does harvest times of forage sorghum impact nitrate toxicity of the hay?

Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity

Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity

Glenn Selk answers the old question, does harvest times of forage sorghum impact nitrate toxicity of the hay?... More
OMAFRA - UOG: Master

OMAFRA - UOG: Master

Food brings people together around the world... More
Guelph Talks Food - Big Data in Animal Agriculture

Guelph Talks Food - Big Data in Animal Agriculture

Christine Baes, professor in the department of animal biosciences, discusses the value of collecting big data on livestock (milk yield, nutrients, activity, etc.) to improve efficiencies.... More
 Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms recently welcomed a brand new, 7,500 sow farm to our system – Primrose! To celebrate the joyous occasion, we held an open house for local neighbors, suppliers, employees and contractors.... More
 Gretchen Returns: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

Gretchen Returns: Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America

One year after a tragic accident caused spinal injuries, Gretchen will ride in RAGBRAI, a week-long bike tour across Iowa. The lessons she learned from pig farming helped her through recovery and kept her inspired to ride again.... More
Summer Crop Update - Managing Insect Pressure

Summer Crop Update - Managing Insect Pressure

Josh Lofton has an update on sorghum and soybean crops.... More
Scouting for Insects

Scouting for Insects

Tom Royer says producers should be scouting for this time of year.... More

Vet Scripts - Digital Dermatitis

Vet Scripts - Digital Dermatitis

Dr. Barry Whitworth says both dairy and beef cattle producers should be looking for hairy heel warts on their livestock.... More
JJ n S Farms 2018 First Half

JJ n S Farms 2018 First Half

JJ n S Farms is a family farm based in Aylmer ON. We farm cash crop and raise some sheep.... More
Farming Under 40 BBQ 2018

Farming Under 40 BBQ 2018

Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario - The CFFO farming under 40 BBQs 2018... More
Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Market Analysis - Elaine Kub

Market Analysis – Elaine Kub, author of “Mastering the Grain Markets,” looks at corn, wheat and soybean markets. Elaine also analyzes the recent USDA Crop Progress report and discusses how China’s 25% tariff on U.S. soybeans will impact both the national and global export markets.... More
Determining Dicamba Soybean Injury Occurrence - Jim Specht

Determining Dicamba Soybean Injury Occurrence - Jim Specht

Determining Dicamba Soybean Injury Occurrence – Jim Specht, Nebraska Professor Emeritus, discusses how producers can use a forensics strategy to determine the approximate calendar date or developmental stage of when their non-dicamba-resistant soybean cultivars were injured by dicamba.... More
Palmer Amaranth Research - Dr. Aaron Hager

Palmer Amaranth Research - Dr. Aaron Hager

Palmer Amaranth Research – Dr. Aaron Hager, University of Illinois Extension weed science specialist, shares information about his Illinois research on the management of non-resistant pigweed species. Dr. Hager also explains why producers should always be aware of Palmer amaranth in their fields... More
Canadian Agriculture: A Strong and Growing Sector

Canadian Agriculture: A Strong and Growing Sector

Canada’s agricultural sector produces a diverse basket of high-quality foods that are in demand across the country and exported around the world. Working with the provinces and territories, the Government of Canada supports the sector through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and through in... More
Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 2)

Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 2)

Part two of our first stop on The Real Dirt Road Trip where we visited Froese Vegetables Inc, a family-owned pickling cucumber farm.... More
Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 1)

Real Dirt Road Trip - Pickling Cucumbers (Part 1)

Part one of our first stop on The Real Dirt Road Trip where we visited Froese Vegetables Inc, a family-owned pickling cucumber farm.... More
Ag Minute - Weeds At Field Borders

Ag Minute - Weeds At Field Borders

Darren explains why farmers may want to control weeds, even if those weeds aren't actually in their crop fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Honeyvine Milkweed

Weed of the Week - Honeyvine Milkweed

The Hefty brothers have some tips on controlling honeyvine milkweed on the farm.... More
Iron Talk - Sprayer Cleanout

Iron Talk - Sprayer Cleanout

Darren Hefty has some ideas for great sprayer cleanout, so you can spray your next crop without worry of crop damage.... More
Lely Vector testimonial Douwe Schuurman (Canada)

Lely Vector testimonial Douwe Schuurman (Canada)

Douwe Schuurmans uses the Lely Vector automatic feeding system in combination with tower silos... More
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