Domestic Drumbeat on Trade Grows Louder
Jun 25, 2018

Video: Domestic Drumbeat on Trade Grows Louder

President Donald Trump upped the ante in the trade disputes with several parties including China, the EU and NAFTA countries.

Domestic Drumbeat on Trade Grows Louder

Domestic Drumbeat on Trade Grows Louder

President Donald Trump upped the ante in the trade disputes with several parties including China, the EU and NAFTA countries.... More
Expansion of Diary Sector Through Exports

Expansion of Diary Sector Through Exports

Mr. Vilsack discusses how the dairy sector will handle forecasted expansion through increased exports.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Don Roose

The trade war drumbeat grows louder as deadlines approach. Rains inundate key growing regions with a vengeance. Taking more than just the cream off the top to make a profit. Market analysis with Don Roose.... More
4-H Working Safely on Tractors

4-H Working Safely on Tractors

Tractors play an important role on most farms. Proper training and use of equipment is important in keeping everyone on the farm healthy and safe. This youth-oriented video focuses on the safe operation of farm vehicles, including how to climb on and off the machinery, how to balance the tractor... More
Iron Talk - Air Inversions & Dicamba

Iron Talk - Air Inversions & Dicamba

Darren Hefty talks about avoiding dicamba volatility issues.... More
Introducing the 2130 Early Riser® Stack-fold Planter

Introducing the 2130 Early Riser® Stack-fold Planter

Expanding the 2000 series lineup, the new 2130 Early Riser planter adds wide row spacing of 30-, 36-, 38- or 40-inch with new convenient bulk-fill and fertilizer options for accurate, high-speed planting. This new model enhances productivity for specialty operations, such as high-tech strip-till... More
 How do we address issues in agriculture? AYSA 2018

How do we address issues in agriculture? AYSA 2018

Working in agriculture is more than just farming... More

 Iowa Tractor Parade 2018

Iowa Tractor Parade 2018

The 2018 Summer Farm Toy Show Tractor Parade featured 67 tractors including models from John Deere, International Harvester, J.I. Case, Massey Ferguson, Allis-Chalmers, Ford, New Holland and many more.... More
Ag Minute - Emerald Ash Borer

Ag Minute - Emerald Ash Borer

With emerald ash borer continuing to make its way west, you may want to have your ash trees treated.... More
Weed of the Week - Barnyardgrass

Weed of the Week - Barnyardgrass

Learn how to get barnyardgrass under control on your farm.... More
Fixing Lodging Problems

Fixing Lodging Problems

The Hefty brothers talk about ways to avoid lodging in your corn fields.... More
Soybean Nodulation & Nitrogen

Soybean Nodulation & Nitrogen

Brian and Darren discuss some ideas to get better soybean nodulation and, in turn, more nitrogen into your soybean plants.... More
Farm Basics - Rotational Grazing in Pastures

Farm Basics - Rotational Grazing in Pastures

Darren and Brian Hefty explain the practice of rotational grazing in their pastures.... More
Prof. Mary Ruth McDonald (plant health and protection)

Prof. Mary Ruth McDonald (plant health and protection)

Mary Ruth McDonald is a professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture who researches integrated pest management, plant health, and plant protection.... More
Spring Seeding 2018

Spring Seeding 2018

Spring Seeding in Alberta Canada... More
  Rachael Harder - On being a Woman of Influence

Rachael Harder - On being a Woman of Influence

Rachael grew up on a farm and was encouraged to be innovative and to pursue big dreams. She says all women have an opportunity to earn leadership positions based on talent, skill, hard work and merit. She challenges women to know their "why" and what motivates them in order to play a central ro... More
 Real Farmers, Real Farming - Steve Groff

Real Farmers, Real Farming - Steve Groff

Steve Groff, Cedar Meadow Farms and Owner of Cover Crop Coaching, shares why farmers love what they do: from farming as a lifestyle and finding satisfaction in the work to generally being part of farming culture.... More
Lahoma - Developing Wheat Varieties

Lahoma - Developing Wheat Varieties

We look at potential wheat varieties with Brett Carver at last month’s Lahoma field day.... More
Is Corn Oversold?

Is Corn Oversold?

Discussion of current corn price and the relationship with fundamentals focusing on demand factors, yield, and acreage.... More
Vet Scripts - What is Equine Herpes?

Vet Scripts - What is Equine Herpes?

Dr. Barry Whitworth has ways to prevent exposure of horses to the Equine Herpes virus.... More
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