Premium Beef and New Cars
Jun 20, 2018

Video: Premium Beef and New Cars

Lee Borck, Manhattan, Kansas-based chairman of Integrated Livestock Systems and the Beef Marketing Group Cooperative, compares grid marketing cattle to supplying premium automobiles, with extra variables like weather thrown in.

Premium Beef and New Cars

Premium Beef and New Cars

Lee Borck, Manhattan, Kansas-based chairman of Integrated Livestock Systems and the Beef Marketing Group Cooperative, compares grid marketing cattle to supplying premium automobiles, with extra variables like weather thrown in.... More
Recognizing Community Food Heroes

Recognizing Community Food Heroes

Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph... More
Visiting a Missouri pig farm

Visiting a Missouri pig farm

Missouri Pork Association... More
Immune Strength For Life - June 2018

Immune Strength For Life - June 2018

Optimizing swine health around the world is the focus of the June edition of "Diamond V at 75: Immune Strength for Life," the company’s year-long video series celebrating 75 years in business. Reporting from the 2018 World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, host Kevin Corizzo interviews Dr. Y. K. Kw... More
 May 2018

May 2018's winning video: Socializing with piglets in a Manitoba nursery barn

Hog farmer Hardy, from the Rural Municipality of Lorne in Manitoba, submitted May 2018's winning video of his piglets socializing. The video shows an animal care provider in a nursery barn interacting with young pigs, also known as weanlings or nursery pigs. These piglets are about 4 weeks old a... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline Weaning 101

Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline Weaning 101

Glenn Selk has advice for reducing stress in calves when fence line weaning.... More
Senate Works Together To Pass Farm Bill Out Of Committee

Senate Works Together To Pass Farm Bill Out Of Committee

Since the 2014 Farm Bill was enacted, the drought-fueled farm income of the early teens has declined and a relatively low number of bankruptcies has risen. Along with unresolved trade negotiations, rural America is left searching for some sense of stability. That safe harbor for farmers and ranc... More

LIGHTING - Oversized Farm Equipment on Roadways

LIGHTING - Oversized Farm Equipment on Roadways

Traffic safety includes mitigating the risks associated with "Oversized Farm Equipment". County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Hopkins and Muhlenberg County took to the road to address some the major issues related to transporting oversize farm equipment.... More
Phenoxy Herbicides and Drift

Phenoxy Herbicides and Drift

Todd Baughman says phenoxy based herbicides can damage unintended plants, but you may be able to save them.... More
Iron Talk - Preparing Your Planter For Storage

Iron Talk - Preparing Your Planter For Storage

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty goes through a list of things to do before storing your planter for the season.... More
Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Wheat Diseases – Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, gives an update on wheat diseases in Nebraska.... More
Soybean Pests & Hail Damage - Justin McMechan

Soybean Pests & Hail Damage - Justin McMechan

Soybean Pests & Hail Damage – Justin McMechan, Nebraska Extension cropping systems specialist, talks about the white-margined burrower bug and a few soybean pests to scout for. Justin also shares some information about hail damage.... More
Increasing Protein In Wheat

Increasing Protein In Wheat

The Hefty brothers discuss how to maximize the protein in your wheat crop.... More
When To Stop Spraying Dicamba

When To Stop Spraying Dicamba

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about dicamba spray timing, and when you should wrap up your dicamba application for the season.... More
Grain Market Analysis - Jeff Peterson

Grain Market Analysis - Jeff Peterson

Market Analysis – Jeff Peterson, Heartland Farm Partners president, analyzes the latest USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report. Jeff also talks about how trade and weather will impact both corn and soybean markets.... More
Distillers Grains - Galen Erickson

Distillers Grains - Galen Erickson

Distillers Grains – Galen Erickson, Nebraska Extension beef feedlot nutrition specialist, talks about UNL research using corn distillers solubles to evaluate performance and carcass characteristics in finishing diets.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Dan Hueber

The Senate Agriculture Committee greenlights its version of the Farm Bill. Fighting wildfires with fewer dollars and more ground to cover. Market analysis with Dan Hueber.... More
Fire Prevention on the Farm and Ranch

Fire Prevention on the Farm and Ranch

A combination of longer response times because of distance from fire departments and access to water for firefighting makes fire on the farm or ranch extremely costly and dangerous. Farmers and rancher must make fire prevention a priority to protect their homes and businesses.... More
Alberta Barley research

Alberta Barley research

Impact of seed Treatment and Foliar fungicide and their interaction with variety resistance and plant growth regulators on barley productivity and quality... More
 Iron Talk - Preparing Your Planter For Storage

Iron Talk - Preparing Your Planter For Storage

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty goes through a list of things to do before storing your planter for the season.... More
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