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Grain Market Analysis With Roy Smith
Nov 20, 2017
Roy Smith, farmer and grain marketing consultant from Plattsmouth, Nebraska, describes his tracking of the dead cat bounce. Roy also talks about using deferred contracts to make corn sales.
Grain Market Analysis With Roy Smith
Roy Smith, farmer and grain marketing consultant from Plattsmouth, Nebraska, describes his tracking of the dead cat bounce. Roy also talks about using deferred contracts to make corn sales....
FP Genetics launches two new high performing varieties
Chas Lambert, Territory Manager at FP Genetics tells us about two new wheat varieties for the 2018 lineup. CDC Landmark VB is the first midge tolerant wheat that is ultra high yielding, semi-dwarf, and protects against fusarium head blight. AAC Viewfield is the shortest CWRS and stands poker str...
Egg Farmers of Canada and ME to WE: A cracking partnership
When it comes to making a positive impact, and inspiring the next generation of socially-conscious change-makers, ME to WE sets the bar. That’s why we’re so incredibly excited to be working with ME to WE through a brand-new partnership designed to help young Canadians not only understand where t...
Southman Ag Ventures 2017 Season
Some GoPro and Drone favorites from this past season....
CASE IH launches their new CVXDrive continuously variable transmission
Mitch Kaiser, Marketing Manger for Steiger Tractors at CASE IH tells us about the new upgrades with the CASE IH Steiger Tractors. The Steiger tractor now comes with the CVXDrive continuously variable transmission on articulated models giving the user incredible flexibility from 3 feet per minute...
New Performance Records for Maximum Pull and Fuel-efficient Horsepower
Mitch Kaiser, Marketing Manager at Case IH tells us about the impressive record set in Nebraska with Steiger Quadtrac 620 tractor. The Steiger Quadtrac performed better than any other tracked tractor in areas of drawbar fuel efficiency, drawbar horsepower and maximum pull....
Egg Farmers of Canada and ME to WE: A cracking partnership
When it comes to making a positive impact, and inspiring the next generation of socially-conscious change-makers, ME to WE sets the bar. That’s why we’re so incredibly excited to be working with ME to WE through a brand-new partnership designed to help young Canadians not only understand where t...
Cover Crops Prove Their Worth
Ron and Michael Willis of Andrew County, Missouri discuss the benefits of cover crops....
New Research on Phase-Feeding and Lysine Use
Phase-feeding strategy and grow-finish diets in swines have changed according to the study by Kansas State University swine specialist, Bob Goodband....
Calibrating A Boom Sprayer
Calibrating a boom sprayer is necessary to determine the amount of pesticides or fertilizer being applied to a given area. It is not a complicated process, but one needs to follow the guidelines to get an accurate reading....
Farm Insights with Brian, Kelburn Farm Manager. How did soybeans yield this year?
Richardson Farm Manager, Brian Hellegards shares his experiences and thoughts on the 2017 growing season in Southern Manitoba....
GSI FlexWave® at Agritechnica 2017
Watch as AGCO’s Jonathan Waits, GSI product manager, gives us a demo and highlights of the Agritechnica 2017 Silver Innovation award-winning FlexWave® at Agritechnica....
Raised by a Canadian Farmer Means Even More Now
Chicken Farmers of Canada has expanded its Raised by a Canadian Farmer brand to incorporate the programs that farmers use to raise their birds to the highest standards of care, quality and sustainability....
Baxter Black: Broken-Wristed Cowboy
A harrowing tale of team roping gone awry...
Cover Crops Helping Improve Soil Quality
Farmers are often looking for ways to improve the quality of the soil and prevent its runoff....
Defending Public Lands Ranchers
Ethan Lane, Executive Director of the Public Lands Council and NCBA Federal Lands, talks public lands issues, and the value of producers coming to Washington, D.C. and speaking directly to lawmakers....
CSPC's GM Says Farmers Seeing Benefits of Corn Stover Harvesting
Brian Cofell, GM of the Cellulosic Sugar Producers Co-operative, talks about growing farm participation in corn stover harvesting across Southwestern Ontario . The co-operative will supply feedstock to Comet Biorefining's new plant in Sarnia Ontario. He speaks at a harvesting demonstration in No...
Corn Planting In Ontario
2017 Corn Planting In Ontario...
Ontario BioAdvantage Trial Program Update – Corn
Ontario BioAdvantage Trial Program Update – Corn...
Harvest time in Alberta
Combine harvesting in late September, northern Alberta....
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