Secretary Sonny Perdue Announces USDA Veterans Initiative
Nov 13, 2017


Secretary Sonny Perdue Announces USDA Veterans Initiative

Secretary Sonny Perdue Announces USDA Veterans Initiative

USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue talks about a new initiative to help military veterans transition to jobs in agriculture, and USDA efforts to help make that happen.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Brian Roach

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Brian Roach

Asian nations roll out the red carpet as the President seeks a trade balance, and a proposed international drug ban injects fire into the antibiotic resistance fight. These stories and market analysis with Brian Roach.... More
 Hamoline Farms - Saskatchewan Agriculture

Hamoline Farms - Saskatchewan Agriculture

Check out one of our recent projects, an overview of agriculture in Saskatchewan featuring Hamoline Farms.... More
 Farm pictures with drone

Farm pictures with drone

Farming in manitoba Canada.... More
 Cut the Risk - Protect Your Investment - We Can Help

Cut the Risk - Protect Your Investment - We Can Help

The Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) protects you from factors beyond your control. It has worked time and again for Saskatchewan producers. In the past three years, we’ve paid out over $12 million in claims. With a range of premiums and coverage to choose from, you can find the... More
Iron Talk - Engine Coolant Maintenance

Iron Talk - Engine Coolant Maintenance

On this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about the best procedures for checking and changing your equipments engine coolant.... More
  Quinten Albrecht - Alberta Young Speakers For Agriculture 2017

Quinten Albrecht - Alberta Young Speakers For Agriculture 2017

Speaker Quinten Albrecht presenting the topic "Working in agriculture is more than just farming".... More

 Tillage At Claassen Farms Alberta Canada

Tillage At Claassen Farms Alberta Canada

Tillage at Claasen Farms in Alberta Canada ,John Deere 9520, 9560 R & 9560 RT.... More
  The Wheel Wrangler

The Wheel Wrangler

Vale Solutions a farm based manufacturer near Indian Head, Sk., has built a unit they call the "Wheel Wrangler" which makes it much safer and quicker when it comes to changing wheels on large, high clearance sprayers. The unit can be attached to a forklift or a front loader equipped tractor.... More
Weed of the Week - Compass Plant

Weed of the Week - Compass Plant

This week's Weed of the Week is compass plant. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to identify and control this tough weed on your farm.... More
Ag Minute - Fertilizer Rates & Plant Health

Ag Minute - Fertilizer Rates & Plant Health

On this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about how using the correct fertilizer rates will lead to a healthier plant.... More
Farm Basics - Grain PhD

Farm Basics - Grain PhD

On this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the just launched Grain PhD and how it can help with your grain marketing questions.... More
Managing Zinc

Managing Zinc

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the importance of good zinc levels in your soil and how to manage the zinc levels on your farm.... More
Corn Nematodes

Corn Nematodes

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about corn nematodes and how to check your fields for corn nematodes and different options for controlling them on your farm.... More
Green Plants At Harvest

Green Plants At Harvest

Are green plants at harvest time a good thing or a bad thing? The Hefty brothers talk about the advantages and disadvantages of green plants vs. brown plants at harvest.... More
Ag Minute - Soybean Shatter Loss

Ag Minute - Soybean Shatter Loss

In this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about why farmers don't want to waste time getting their soybean crops harvested.... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

Dr. Barry Whitworth explains another cause of parasite symptoms in sheep and goats.... More
Decisive Farming Provides A Data Platform For Farmers And Advisors.

Decisive Farming Provides A Data Platform For Farmers And Advisors.

Remi Schmaltz, CEO of Decisive Farming shares some thoughts on how farmers and advisors can use their data platform and tools to add value to there farms. For more information visit More
Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 63: Strategic Development

Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 63: Strategic Development

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario.... More
Baxter Black: Improving My Horsemanship

Baxter Black: Improving My Horsemanship

Baxter looks at some of the many devices he's collected over the years that are "guaranteed" to improve his horsemanship... More
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