Soybeans in Drier Areas - Keith Glewen
Aug 28, 2017
Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator, discusses soybean production in west-central Nebraska.


Soybeans in Drier Areas - Keith Glewen

Soybeans in Drier Areas - Keith Glewen

Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator, discusses soybean production in west-central Nebraska.... More
Corn Diseases - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Corn Diseases - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, gives an update on southern rust, gray leaf spot and bacterial leaf streak.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Darin Newsom

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Darin Newsom

The president again throws a hard line into complicated waters on NAFTA, researchers seek insight from the total eclipse of the farm, and making hay cuts across many interests in the land of 10,000 lakes. These stories and market analysis with Darin Newsom.... More
Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Frayne Olson, North Dakota State Extension economist, describes drought impacts to the north. Frayne also analyzes corn, soybean and wheat prices.... More
 Moving Crop Research From Plot To Field Scale

Moving Crop Research From Plot To Field Scale

Rob Dunn in Cypress County talks about doing field scale research with pulse crops. He is part of the Alberta Pulse Commission Plot to Field project that aims to bring plot scale research to the field scale to test whether the research results hold at the larger scale.... More
 SaskCanola - 2016 Food & Farming Champion Award Winner

SaskCanola - 2016 Food & Farming Champion Award Winner

SaskCanola was nominated for their work in developing the License to Farm documentary. This outstanding film gives voice to the agriculture industry as a whole and their struggles to earn public trust in their production practices. This award winning feature has earned an incredible following an... More
Baxter Black: The Valdez

Baxter Black: The Valdez

A tale of a trailer that's well past its prime!... More

Eleanor Renaud - Zone 11 - Election Video

Eleanor Renaud - Zone 11 - Election Video

Eleanor Renaud is running for Zone Director on the OFA Board of Directors for Zone 11 representing the counties of Dundas, Frontenac, Grenville and Leeds. Eleanor wants to continue to be a strong voice for OFA members at the OFA Board table and with politicians that form all levels of government... More
How Many Cattle Can Graze? - GrazeOK App

How Many Cattle Can Graze? - GrazeOK App

SUNUPs Kathy Shelton talks with small grains Extension specialist, Jeff Edwards, about how producers can gauge when to pull their cattle off wheat pasture.... More
When To Pull Cattle Off The Pasture

When To Pull Cattle Off The Pasture

The update 13 day's later from Alex Rocateli and David Lalman putting the GrazeOK app to the test for grazing steers and heifers on native pasture.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says there’s too much wheat in world markets, so expect lower prices for the foreseeable future.... More
 Spider Mite Update

Spider Mite Update

Spider Mite populations rising throughout SE Manitoba... More
 Harvesting Barley

Harvesting Barley

Dusty day harvesting barley #harvest17.... More
Ontario Goat Welfare Assessment

Ontario Goat Welfare Assessment

As an Ontario goat producer, you are constantly striving to improve animal welfare on farm by adjusting management based on current research and meeting or exceeding industry standards for the care of goats.... More
Eleanor Renaud - Zone 11 - Election Video

Eleanor Renaud - Zone 11 - Election Video

Eleanor Renaud is running for Zone Director on the OFA Board of Directors for Zone 11 representing the counties of Dundas, Frontenac, Grenville and Leeds. Eleanor wants to continue to be a strong voice for OFA members at the OFA Board table and with politicians that form all levels of government... More
To Early To Think About Wheat Streak Mosaic?

To Early To Think About Wheat Streak Mosaic?

Extension wheat pathologist Bob Hunger has advice for producers concerned about wheat streak mosaic.... More
Soybean Diseases - Loren Giesler

Soybean Diseases - Loren Giesler

Loren Giesler, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes how soybean growers can scout for sudden death syndrome, white mold and phytophthora.... More
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers : Transportion and Market Access

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers : Transportion and Market Access

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers and Pulse Canada are committed to ensuring that export markets for pulses remain open for our growers, and that grower voices and interests are represented around the table with transportation companies.... More
 Building the best large tractors

Building the best large tractors

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how our biggest tractors are brought to life at Waterloo Iowa.... More
 Harvest Smarter With The New S700 Series Combines From John Deere

Harvest Smarter With The New S700 Series Combines From John Deere

Check out the new S700 Series Combines from John Deere. These combines are the latest proven S-Series line, built to deliver consistently high grain quality — no matter the harvest conditions or the operator.... More
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