Human Resource Management on the Ranch
Aug 17, 2017

What does human resource management have to do with ranching? We'll share insights from a Cattlemen's College session that provided expert tips on managing ranch employees


Human Resource Management on the Ranch

Human Resource Management on the Ranch

What does human resource management have to do with ranching? We'll share insights from a Cattlemen's College session that provided expert tips on managing ranch employees... More
Producing High Health Calves

Producing High Health Calves

Learn how a comprehensive herd health program can help put more profit on the bottom line for producers.... More
The Angus Report: August 14, 2017: CattleFax

The Angus Report: August 14, 2017: CattleFax

Ethan Oberst of CattleFax says gives the latest cattle on feed update and how it effects the markets today... More
Rate Change

Rate Change

Theres a change brewing on the Idaho range. The Idaho Department of Lands wants to modify the grazing rate charged to ranchers on Idaho Endowment Lands... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk reminds producers that fall born calves are known to come early. He says don't be surprised if you see a calf a week ahead of when you should.... More
PAMI Combine Efficiency Research on Straight Cutting Canola

PAMI Combine Efficiency Research on Straight Cutting Canola

Glen Forster, Technical Marketing Specialist at BASF tells us about some of the research they have been doing on combine efficiency as it relates to straight cutting canola.... More
Scouting for western bean cutworm larvae

Scouting for western bean cutworm larvae

Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds gives us tips on how to scout our corn fields for western bean cutworm larvae so we can best manage the pest.... More

Harvest 2017

Harvest 2017

Combining Durum with a New Holland CR8.90 Twin Rotor and a MacDon FD140 FlexDraper Header near Radville Saskatchewan.... More
Experts to Judge 2017 America’s Pig Farmer of the Year Finalists

Experts to Judge 2017 America’s Pig Farmer of the Year Finalists

In its ongoing effort to build consumer trust and foster greater transparency about U.S. pork production methods, the National Pork Board today announced its expert judging panel for the 2017 America’s Pig Farmer of the YearSM. The award, now in its third year, recognizes a pig farmer who best r... More
Alberta Canola - Let Your Name Stand

Alberta Canola - Let Your Name Stand

Alberta Canola is seeking four canola growers to serve on the board of directors.... More
 License To Farm - GMO Foods Mark Lynas And Dr. Wilf Keller

License To Farm - GMO Foods Mark Lynas And Dr. Wilf Keller

In this extended interview from License to Farm, Mark Lynas, environmental activist and author, and Dr. Wilf Keller, President and CEO of Ag-West Bio, discuss their views on GMO Foods.... More
NAFTA Negotiations Start Wednesday

NAFTA Negotiations Start Wednesday

Trade negotiators from Mexico and Canada will gather in Washington, D.C. this week to update NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.... More
Northern Farmers Reporting Dicamba Damage

Northern Farmers Reporting Dicamba Damage

Monsanto designed the Xtend system so row-crop farmers could deal with weeds tolerant to chemicals like glyphosate. A special formulation of dicamba completes the prescription. However, dicamba has been known to be volatile and - under certain conditions – may move off target causing crop damage... More
Researchers Work to Make Farm Irrigation More Efficient

Researchers Work to Make Farm Irrigation More Efficient

Water is a vital resource to agriculture, but one that must be conserved as much as possible. Researchers at the Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Southwest Georgia work to develop methods to make on-farm irrigation as efficient as possible. Their work benefits farmers and the environment.... More
 Corn Shelling Season Underway

Corn Shelling Season Underway

2017 Corn Shelling Season Underway... More
 The New Steiger® CVXDrive™: Strong. Smart. Simple.

The New Steiger® CVXDrive™: Strong. Smart. Simple.

Meet the first continuously variable transmission for an articulated 4WD tractor. At 605 peak horsepower, it’s also the strongest CVT on the market. The Steiger CVXDrive series tractor makes it easier to work year-round and take on new applications — from tillage and planting to scraping and lan... More
  WheatStalk: Building Up Disease Resistance In Spring Wheat

WheatStalk: Building Up Disease Resistance In Spring Wheat

Developing disease resistance in varieties of spring wheat. Agriculture and Agri-Food Research scientist Dr. Harpinder Randawa speaks about building up resistance against fusarium head blight and yellow rust at Farming Smarter's WheatStalk.... More
CanolaPALOOZA 2017 - Lacombe, Alberta

CanolaPALOOZA 2017 - Lacombe, Alberta

A look at Alberta's canolaPALOOZA that was held at the Lacombe Research and Development Centre.... More
OFA: MPPs spend a day on the farm with OFA (2017)

OFA: MPPs spend a day on the farm with OFA (2017)

Every summer Ontario politicians are invited to an exclusive tour of an innovative Ontario farm with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA).... More
Maizex Moving: Laura Johnston With An Agronomy Plot Update

Maizex Moving: Laura Johnston With An Agronomy Plot Update

Maizex Territory Manager, Laura Johnston visits the corn and soybean agronomy plot in Wallacetown, Ontario. She also chats with Agronomy Lead, Greg Stewart to discuss how two different hybrids respond to intensive management and what that means for your farm.... More
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