Bearish USDA Reports Hammer Grain Futures
Aug 10, 2017

Joe Vaclavik, Standard Grain, Inc.


Bearish USDA Reports Hammer Grain Futures

Bearish USDA Reports Hammer Grain Futures

Joe Vaclavik, Standard Grain, Inc.... More
 Spraying Season - Canola Field Of Dreams

Spraying Season - Canola Field Of Dreams

We initiated the Field of Dreams project in 1999. Our objective was to achieve yields that would break through pre-existing notions of what wheat and canola crops should produce on the Prairies by planting the latest high-performance seed varieties together with all the macro- and micronutrients... More
 Canadian Economic And Emissions Model For Agriculture

Canadian Economic And Emissions Model For Agriculture

Passionate about creating an environmentally sustainable future? More than just providing the food on our tables, agriculture makes a significant contribution to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of society.... More
Legend Seeds 2017 Knowledge Plot

Legend Seeds 2017 Knowledge Plot

Legend Seeds 2017 Knowledge Plot - Winkler, MB... More
Baxter Black: The Herd Sire

Baxter Black: The Herd Sire

It's a story that sounds too unbelievable to be true, but there's no bull!... More
Schlick Farms Week 1

Schlick Farms Week 1

This week here on Schlick Farms, they have been busy irrigating, spraying, and trucking corn. This time of year, there is no daily routine because each day presents a new opportunity.... More
Farm Basics - Plant Nutrient Uptake

Farm Basics - Plant Nutrient Uptake

If you've ever wondered how nutrients get into plants, Brian and Darren Hefty have the answers in this week's Farm Basics segment.... More

Week Of The Week - Pineapple Weed

Week Of The Week - Pineapple Weed

Learn how to get pineapple weed under control on and around your farm.... More
Cover Crops

Cover Crops

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the pros and cons of cover crops.... More
Winter Wheat Harvest

Winter Wheat Harvest

Harvesting winter wheat near Enchant Alberta July 22 2017... More
New Crop Options: Soybeans

New Crop Options: Soybeans

Soybeans are promising for Saskatchewan, in that they can be a relatively easy crop to grow, are suited to wetter conditions, and the markets are well established.... More
Moving crop research from plot to field scale

Moving crop research from plot to field scale

Rob Dunn in Cypress County talks about doing field scale research with pulse crops. He is part of the Alberta Pulse Commission Plot to Field project that aims to bring plot scale research to the field scale to test whether the research results hold at the larger scale.... More
Tony Kime - The Importance of Farm Drainage in Ontario

Tony Kime - The Importance of Farm Drainage in Ontario

Tony Kime, president of Bluewater Pipe, talks about the value and scope of farm drainage in Ontario. Bluewater Pipe produces 4" drainage tile (cool blue) for the agricultural heartland in Southwestern Ontario. Bluewater Pipe is based in Huron Park.... More
Why do I love selling eggs in my community?

Why do I love selling eggs in my community?

Even though he's been farming for years, Harry Eisses can't help but be amazed each day by the chickens that produce the eggs on his farm in Innisfil, Ontario.... More
Extrapolating Yields From USDA

Extrapolating Yields From USDA's Crop Conditions

It's about this time of year that USDA's Crop Condition reports can be used, in part, to develop corn and soybean yields. Todd Gleason has more on why that is the case and some projections.... More
Dicamba Drift Round 2

Dicamba Drift Round 2

Dr. Larry Steckel with the University of TN Institute of Agriculture provides an update on dicamba drift issues and possible yield impacts in affected soybeans.... More
Profit Tillage Focus: Focus on Seedbed Management

Profit Tillage Focus: Focus on Seedbed Management

Are tillage practices out of mind for you during the growing season? Just because the equipment is in the shed doesn't mean there isn't something to be learned from the plants in the ground! Join Curt Davis in the middle of a maturing soybean field as he shows you how to analyze plant growth to ... More
What Common Ground Do Farmers And Consumers Share?

What Common Ground Do Farmers And Consumers Share?

This video series, Ask An AgVocate, talks with AgVocates from various aspects of the agriculture community, and their viewpoint on current topics. In this video, Jeremy shares how farmers and consumers share a common interest in sustaining natural resources and safely producing food.... More
Crop Production Services - North America Regional Winner

Crop Production Services - North America Regional Winner

Crop Production Services - 2017 North America Regional Winner... More
Hail Recovery Research In Alberta

Hail Recovery Research In Alberta

Dr. Bob Blackshaw of Farming Smarter talks about research findings from the hail recovery project. The project designed a hail simulator to damage canola, wheat and peas to various levels. After inflicting damage, the project tests various recovery products for efficacy. Ken Coles demonstrates t... More
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