Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 49: Communications with Maegan
Jun 19, 2017

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario.

This weekly update will feature interviews with staff to highlight news and activities from the different departments within our organization.

Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 49: Communications with Maegan

Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Episode 49: Communications with Maegan

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario. This weekly update will feature interviews with staff to highlight news and activities from the different departments within our organization.... More
OFA: Ag leaders talk trade with U.S. partners

OFA: Ag leaders talk trade with U.S. partners

Over the past three weeks, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) President Keith Currie travelled across five states with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal.... More
Unique protein solutions for piglet diets

Unique protein solutions for piglet diets

Scott Moore, President of Hamlet Protein US tells us about their commitment in educating producers with the ongoing support of the "Feed the Brain' seminar and about their specialty soy proteins with a patented bioconversion process which minimizes the anti-nutritional factors naturally present ... More
Combating PRRS through better filtration

Combating PRRS through better filtration

Hans Ulrich, Director of Sales for the Pig Business Unit at Big Dutchman tells us about their new positive pressure air filtration system that eliminates outside unfiltered air to enter the barns.... More
The new evolution for feeding lactating sows

The new evolution for feeding lactating sows

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, Swine Nutrition Specialist at JYGA Technologies tells us about their new GESTAL QUATTRO lactating sow feeder that make sow data management easier, saves on electricity, enhances the sows performance and much more.... More
Topigs Norsvin introduces the TN70 Sow

Topigs Norsvin introduces the TN70 Sow

Darwin Tilstra, Genetic Improvement Director at Topigs Norsvin tells us about their newest sow the TN70 that produces large litters of strong, uniform piglets that excel in fast, feed efficient growth and carcass quality.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

President Trump puts the Pearl of the Antilles back at arm’s length. The Corn Belt gets a case of whiplash as wild weather goes from drenched to dry. Wide open pastures help a family grow pork with a purpose. Market analysis with Ted Seifried.... More

Planting Delays In SE South Dakota Frustrating For Farmers

Planting Delays In SE South Dakota Frustrating For Farmers

Despite drought conditions in some areas of South Dakota, in the southeast farmers have struggled with wet conditions this spring that have delayed planting. Michelle Rook caught up with Elk Point farmer Doug Hanson as he planted his last field of soybeans.... More
Bacterial Leaf Streak - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Bacterial Leaf Streak - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, says bacterial leaf streak has been confirmed in Nebraska corn. Tamra describes what growers should be looking for when scouting fields for the disease.... More
Nebraska Farm Economy - Eric Thompson

Nebraska Farm Economy - Eric Thompson

Eric Thompson, Nebraska Bureau of Business Research director, discusses the BBR’s forecast detailing how farm income will impact Nebraska’s economy.... More
Market Analysis - Todd Hultman

Market Analysis - Todd Hultman

Todd Hultman, DTN market analyst, looks at current crop conditions, wheat’s market environment and June 30 reports on acres and stocks.... More
JDLink™ Technology – OUTRUN UNKNOWNS

JDLink™ Technology – OUTRUN UNKNOWNS

With JDLink from John Deere, turn data into strategies to boost efficiencies, run longer, save money and outrun the competition. To learn more visit, More
Meet the Kilmers - Episode 4

Meet the Kilmers - Episode 4

Have you ever wondered whether precision ag is worth it? See the Kilmer family's progress on their year-long journey as they add precision ag to their operation.... More
John Deere Operations Center - Direct

John Deere Operations Center - Direct

John Deere Operations Center and the connected mobile apps help you see what is happening on your farm, collaborate with the advisors and software you trust, and DIRECT your field work with precision. In this video, you will learn about how these tools can help you DIRECT your operation from any... More
Celebrating 175 Years of History Behind Case IH

Celebrating 175 Years of History Behind Case IH

It all began in 1842 with J.I. Case. 175 years later, Case IH is celebrating the past by looking toward the future.... More
Best Practices For PSNT Soil Testing

Best Practices For PSNT Soil Testing

Extension Nutrient Management Specialist Fabian Fernandez shares his BMPs for taking successful PSNT samples.... More
Preventing Dicamba Drift

Preventing Dicamba Drift

As we move into seasonally warmer temperatures the potential for dicamba drift is higher. Larry Steckel reminds producers of ways to prevent off-target dicamba movement.... More
Corn Rootworm Digs

Corn Rootworm Digs

A great way to find out if you have corn rootworms is to dig for them, before you see the beetles later in the season.... More
Iron Talk - Spray Drift

Iron Talk - Spray Drift

Darren Hefty talks about steps you can take to reduce spray drift in your fields.... More
Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Brian and Darren discuss products (besides Roundup, Engenia, Xtendimax, and Liberty) that you can use in your soybean fields to control weeds.... More
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