Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides
Jun 16, 2017
Brian and Darren discuss products (besides Roundup, Engenia, Xtendimax, and Liberty) that you can use in your soybean fields to control weeds.


Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Soybean Post-Emerge Herbicides

Brian and Darren discuss products (besides Roundup, Engenia, Xtendimax, and Liberty) that you can use in your soybean fields to control weeds.... More
Peterson Farm Brothers Residue Music Video

Peterson Farm Brothers Residue Music Video

A music video by the Peterson Brothers about soil health and crop residue. The song is called Residue and is a parody of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.... More
Alberta Farmer

Alberta Farmer's Day

Oneil Carlier recognizes the important contributions of farmers to Alberta's economy on Farmer's Day,... More
How to use a Pasture Stick

How to use a Pasture Stick

How to calculate the amount of dry matter in your pasture to more accurately determine the carrying capacity.... More
pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. South Saskatchewan, Canada.

pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. South Saskatchewan, Canada.

this video is about pH Soil Test. PLM Mapping. Video#16. Markusson New Holland.... More
Nodulation in soybean | Dow Seeds Canada

Nodulation in soybean | Dow Seeds Canada

Daniel Masse, Commercial Agronomist with Dow Seeds discusses soybean nodulation and what to look for to maximize your soybean yield.... More
How to Set Up ExactEmerge™ Row Unit

How to Set Up ExactEmerge™ Row Unit

The John Deere ExactEmerge row unit has revolutionized planting, allowing you to plant more acres in less time without sacrificing singulation or seed placement. In this video, you’ll discover how to properly set up your ExactEmerge™ Row Unit to maximize planting performance and yield output. Un... More

Topigs Norsvin Canada to build state of the art research facility!

Topigs Norsvin Canada to build state of the art research facility!

Cam McGavin, General Manager at Topigs Norsvin tells us about some of their newest genetics as well as the exciting news about the new state of the art research facility that will be built in Manitoba utilizing the latest research technologies giving Canadian producers access to the best genetic... More
New swine vaccine is first U.S.-approved PRRS-Mhp combination

New swine vaccine is first U.S.-approved PRRS-Mhp combination

Dr. Tom Fangman, Senior Veterinarian at Boehringer Ingelheim tells us about their new FLEXMycoPRRS vaccine which combines the efficacy of their industry leading Mycoplasma and PRRS vaccines now in a single dose providing safe, long-lasting protective immunity against two of the most common respi... More
Bioindustrial Innovation Canada Invests in Origin Materials

Bioindustrial Innovation Canada Invests in Origin Materials

Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC) has made a COMM SCI investiment in Origin Materials. Sacramento, California-based Origin will build its first commercial-scale demonstration facility in Sarnia, Ontario by late 2018.... More
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Impact and Solutions

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Impact and Solutions

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is present in almost every soybean growing state and is responsible for an average loss of 35-45 million bushels per year. Soybean growers now have a powerful tool to protect their crops against the infection caused by soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) fungu... More
Why Are Temperature Inversions Important When Deciding On Whether We Should Spray?

Why Are Temperature Inversions Important When Deciding On Whether We Should Spray?

When we are deciding whether or not to spray crop protection products we look at current and predicted windspeed and rainfall conditions.... More
Farm Basics - Soil Crusting

Farm Basics - Soil Crusting

Brian and Darren explain what soil crusting is and how farmers deal with it.... More
Weed Of The Week - Milkweed

Weed Of The Week - Milkweed

Milkweed is great for butterflies, not for crops. It's our Weed of the Week.... More
Ag Minute - Plant Tissue Sampling

Ag Minute - Plant Tissue Sampling

Darren Hefty talks about a way to find out which nutrients plants really need.... More
Securing your farm’s profitability

Securing your farm’s profitability

Two cotton growers discuss how Transform® WG insecticide adds up to an enhanced bottom line for their farms.... More
Spring seeding 2017 in Saskatchewan Farms

Spring seeding 2017 in Saskatchewan Farms

The start of seeding on 60,000ac farm in Saskatchewan Canada.... More
Incredible Massive Farming in Canada - Agriculture Equipment Mega Machines

Incredible Massive Farming in Canada - Agriculture Equipment Mega Machines

Incredible Massive Farming in Canada - Agriculture Equipment Mega Machines... More
Fanshawe Culinary Student Tour- May 2017

Fanshawe Culinary Student Tour- May 2017

We hosted a group of Culinary Management students from Fanshawe College on a day’s farm tour recently. Our stops were at Veldman's poultry farm, a field visit with Chris Goris, and Heeman's Garden Centre and Strawberry Farm.... More
Benefit more with SARFIP - Freedom Creek Farms

Benefit more with SARFIP - Freedom Creek Farms

Want to know more about the benefits of protecting species at risk on the farm? Hear it from the farmer!... More
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