Sheep Farming: Sorting Sheep - Weaned Lambs & Breeding Groups
Apr 22, 2022

Video: Sheep Farming: Sorting Sheep - Weaned Lambs & Breeding Groups

Sheep farming at Ewetopia Farms today involved a lot of sorting of sheep from our newly weaned lambs to putting together our Dorset breeding groups for fall lambing.

Sheep Farming: Sorting Sheep - Weaned Lambs & Breeding Groups

Sheep Farming: Sorting Sheep - Weaned Lambs & Breeding Groups

Sheep farming at Ewetopia Farms today involved a lot of sorting of sheep from our newly weaned lambs to putting together our Dorset breeding groups for fall lambing.... More
Gleaner L2 picking corn

Gleaner L2 picking corn

Day 27 of fall harvest... I think LOL! I cant even remember anymore! LOL! Tackling some more corn without L2 Gleaner combine!... More
Stories of Progress - Canada’s Beef Farmers & Ranchers

Stories of Progress - Canada’s Beef Farmers & Ranchers

Like all businesses technology is always advancing and changing. This is no different on the farm or ranch. Watch this video to learn how farmers are adapting and using technology to help take care of the land and raise cattle.... More
Andros Omniload -- Transloading Field Ramps

Andros Omniload -- Transloading Field Ramps

Andros Omniload -- Transloading Field Ramps | Northern Equipment Solutions... More
Fusarium Headblight Modeling

Fusarium Headblight Modeling

Fusarium Headblight Modeling | Manitoba Crop Diversification Centres... More

It's Calving Time

Calving starts on Alberta Ranch.... More
FIRST Day Back In The Fields!!

FIRST Day Back In The Fields!!

FIRST Day Back In The Fields!! | SaskDutch Kid... More

Soil Borne Disease Series: Club Root

Soil Borne Disease Series: Club Root

A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of club root... More
Clubroot Management - Chapter 2: Minimizing the Spread of Clubroot in Canola

Clubroot Management - Chapter 2: Minimizing the Spread of Clubroot in Canola

Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease of canola and other cruciferous crops which will result in reduced yield and can ultimately cause wilting or premature death of the plant. This video focuses on minimizing the spread of clubroot in canola.... More
Clubroot Management

Clubroot Management

Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease of canola and other cruciferous crops which will result in reduced yield and can ultimately cause wilting or premature death of the plant. This video focuses on key management strategies around minimizing the risk of introducing the disease-causing pathog... More
Planting Checks - Mike Hinrichs

Planting Checks - Mike Hinrichs

Many producers around Nebraska are gearing up to get in the fields and plant this year's crop.... More
What is the U.S./Cuba Ag Relations Conference?

What is the U.S./Cuba Ag Relations Conference?

The Farm Monitor visits Cuba, and we recap and explain what the latest U.S./Cuba Agriculture Conference entailed, and who was involved.... More
It Might be Mites

It Might be Mites

Tom Royer, OSU Extension entomologist, says these dry conditions have wheat producers battling both drought and brown wheat mite pressure in their fields.... More
Riparian Areas

Riparian Areas

Farm Basics from Ag PhD Episode # 1254 | Air Date 04-17-22 - Brian and Darren discuss the importance of having streams, rivers, ponds, and/or lakes near your farm fields. These riparian areas can provide many benefits for your soil, but they also need to be maintained regularly.... More
Crop Consultants Assistance with US Cotton Trust Protocol Sign Up

Crop Consultants Assistance with US Cotton Trust Protocol Sign Up

Today’s update is from Rogers Leonard, crop consultant, with Integrated Crop Consulting LLC.Leonard shares that to aid with enrollment in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, growers can now authorize account access for their crop consultant who can enter information on their behalf and ensure data a... More
INDESTRUCTIBLE Dura-Line Rural Mailboxes by Dundalk Plastics

INDESTRUCTIBLE Dura-Line Rural Mailboxes by Dundalk Plastics

If you live on the farm, you've likely encountered a mailbox mishap from time-to-time! Whether it be snowplows, farm equipment, or kids with too much time on their hands (and a baseball bat)... it would be nice to know your mailbox can stand the test of time. That's where Dundalk Plastics ... More
Early Riser 2150S Front-fold Trailing Planter Walkaround

Early Riser 2150S Front-fold Trailing Planter Walkaround

Early Riser 2150S Front-fold Trailing Planter Walkaround | Case IH North America... More
Sunflower Drill - Row Unit Settings

Sunflower Drill - Row Unit Settings

Learn more about the row unit settings, soil control devices, depth settings and press wheels of your Sunflower® drill.... More
Sidewinder Ultra Armrest Walkaround | T7 Heavy Duty PLM Intelligence

Sidewinder Ultra Armrest Walkaround | T7 Heavy Duty PLM Intelligence

The T7 HD PLM Intelligence™ series have been updated to improve your productivity and transform the way you work. The new T7 Heavy Duty is now equipped with PLM Intelligence and our new Horizon™ Ultra cab featuring the new SideWinder™ Ultra armrest and IntelliView™ 12 display. The enhancements... More
Steel and Steers in the Field

Steel and Steers in the Field

Choosing the right equipment or livestock is essential to tackle your toughest weeds. Learn to evaluate how each tool affects your soil health.... More
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