Cow-Calf Corner
Apr 18, 2022

Video: Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, continues his series on management considerations for replacement heifers.

Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, continues his series on management considerations for replacement heifers.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Angie Setzer

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Angie Setzer

President Biden opens the door to E15. Spring weather intensifies from wind gusts to snowdrifts. Acreage debates are more than just price at the market. Market analysis with Angie Setzer.... More
Under sowing our crops with white clover

Under sowing our crops with white clover

Reducing our carbon footprint by decreasing our reliance on artificial fertiliser. In this instance establishing a permanent ‘understory’ of clover that captures atmospheric nitrogen and allows our crops to access it.... More

MPSG's Annual General Meeting 2022

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers - 2022 AGM Package available at More
Improving Transparency, Productivity and Sustainability through Digital Innovation

Improving Transparency, Productivity and Sustainability through Digital Innovation

Manitoba Agriculture - Recorded session from the February 2022, Manitoba Protein Summit... More
Are Autonomous Tractors the Future of Agriculture?

Are Autonomous Tractors the Future of Agriculture?

In the last few years more autonomous tractors have rolled onto fields around the world. These new tractors are smaller and while they require supervision currently, the hope is that in the future they’ll be left to roam fields by themselves. Kinks are still being worked out, but are autonomous ... More
Plant Protein for Biopolymers - Dr. Nandika Bandara, University of Manitoba

Plant Protein for Biopolymers - Dr. Nandika Bandara, University of Manitoba

Dr. Nandika Bandara, associate professor and Canada research chair at the University of Manitoba, discusses using canola as a building block for polymer applications in the food and non-food industries. Dr. Bandara presented on Dec. 2, during Canola Innovation Day, the final day of Canola Week 2... More

How to Identify Plantain - Broadleaf and Rugel

How to Identify Plantain - Broadleaf and Rugel's

Many people are not aware of Rugel's plantain (Plantago rugelii) as it is very close in appearance to broadleaf plantain (Plantago major). This video will help you identify both species. For more information see the links below.... More
Sheep Barn/Housing: Why We Built the Barn We Did!

Sheep Barn/Housing: Why We Built the Barn We Did!

What kind of barn should I build if getting into sheep farming or looking to expand my sheep operation? This is a big question for many people, and we get alot of people asking us about our barn, so hopefully this video answers some questions you may have.... More
Weed of the Week - Blackseed Plantain

Weed of the Week - Blackseed Plantain

The Hefty brothers talk about identification of and control methods for blackseed plantain.... More
Building a Grain Leg

Building a Grain Leg

Showing the process of how to build a grain leg in our shop.... More
Fall Herbicide Application

Fall Herbicide Application

If winter annual weeds are a problem for you in the spring, spraying burndown and residual herbicides after harvest may help.... More
Dairy Farm, Ontario Canada | Slurry Management System installation

Dairy Farm, Ontario Canada | Slurry Management System installation

Dairy Farmer, Tom Boon is based in Ontario, Canada. He explains why he opted to install The EASYFIX Slurry Technology and the benefits he has seen since the installation of the Aeration System.... More
Optimal Corn Seeding Rates

Optimal Corn Seeding Rates

K-State cropping systems agronomist, Ignacio Ciampitti, discusses the value of using the optimal corn seeding rate versus the maximum seeding rate.... More
Inheritance Tax - Dave Aiken

Inheritance Tax - Dave Aiken

Usually when people inherit land or other types of property, they are obligated to pay inheritance taxes to the county where the inherited property is located.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, discusses how the crop markets have changed over the past few months.... More
Planter Maintenence

Planter Maintenence

With planting right around the corner, we look back at our interview with Dave Panko. Dave owns and operates Panko Ag Solutions out of Daykin Nebraska and shared some valuable insights with us on getting your planter up to snuff before planting begins.... More
Epic Fails and Silver Linings

Epic Fails and Silver Linings

How do you turn a problem into a creative solution? CBC Radio’s Terry O’Reilly shares how recalibrating your mindset is key to finding more interesting ways to tackle business challenges.... More
ONFARM Cooperator - Mark Burnham

ONFARM Cooperator - Mark Burnham

The On-Farm Applied Research and Monitoring (ONFARM) program is a four-year, applied research initiative that began in 2019 and supports soil health and water quality research on farms across Ontario.... More
AgriStability Minute: Reference Margin Limit

AgriStability Minute: Reference Margin Limit

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation - AgriStability Minute: Reference Margin Limit... More
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