Beef and Corn: How Upcycling Benefits All
Oct 21, 2021

Video: Beef and Corn: How Upcycling Benefits All

Our panel of experts continue their conversation about the relationship between corn and cattle, including how a cow’s upcycling ability can have a positive impact on both the beef and corn industries.

Beef and Corn: How Upcycling Benefits All

Beef and Corn: How Upcycling Benefits All

Our panel of experts continue their conversation about the relationship between corn and cattle, including how a cow’s upcycling ability can have a positive impact on both the beef and corn industries.... More
2021 Rural Economic Outlook Conference

2021 Rural Economic Outlook Conference

We spend a few minutes at OSU’s Rural Economic Outlook Conference talking with Rob Fox, director of CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange Division.... More
Bumper Crops: The Value of a Nutrient Management Plan

Bumper Crops: The Value of a Nutrient Management Plan

In this "Bumper Crops" episode Kolby and Dan talk about nutrient management planning, and what value a plan gives to a farm in terms of money saved on fertilizer cost, sustainability, and environmental quality.... More
Advancing Your Cattle Handling Techniques

Advancing Your Cattle Handling Techniques

We talk with an expert on cattle handling techniques, Dr. Ron Gill... More
Heavy Use Area Protection

Heavy Use Area Protection

Heavy Use Area Protection is a way to stabilize a ground surface that is frequently and intensively used by people, animals, or vehicles. This video explores how Ronnie Cook of Wagener, South Carolina, implemented the heavy use area conservation practice on his beef operation.... More
Working on Alberta Ranch

Working on Alberta Ranch

Alberta Ranch - Working on Alberta Ranch It's been a beautiful fall, but I still believe winter is coming.... More
Soil and Water Management Week Dealing with Dry Conditions

Soil and Water Management Week Dealing with Dry Conditions

Manitoba Agriculture - Topics covered today: Soil fertility following drought conditions Soil and Water Management Week Dealing with Dry Conditions... More

Best kept secret in growing barley

Best kept secret in growing barley

Cargill Ag Canada - Best kept secret in growing barley... More
Rain rain go away. Barley bushel weight and drying.

Rain rain go away. Barley bushel weight and drying.

We are rained out and drying the barley, only a day or two left and then we are on to the pea canola blend... More
Harvest 2021 is in the bins!! And an airplane tried to dive bomb us!

Harvest 2021 is in the bins!! And an airplane tried to dive bomb us!

South Sask Farmer - Harvest 2021 is in the bins!! And an airplane tried to dive bomb us!... More
Rural Ramble: Tuff Tire Watering Troughs

Rural Ramble: Tuff Tire Watering Troughs

In this edition of Rural Ramble on the Road, Dan visits with Ian Sculthorpe at South 50 Farms to chat about their Tuff Tire pasture watering troughs.... More
Sheep Farming: Bottle Lambs

Sheep Farming: Bottle Lambs

A look at what is involved with feeding bottle lambs.... More
Spapperi Harvester Aid Conveyor in Sweet Corn

Spapperi Harvester Aid Conveyor in Sweet Corn

Spapperi Innovative Agricultural Equipment - Harvester Aid Conveyor Being Used For sweet Corn.... More
Scouting, spraying and corn silage

Scouting, spraying and corn silage

The Ag Bros are Jim, Tom and Eric Schuurmans. We are a dairy, poultry and grain farm in Ontario, Canada.... More
Valleyside Holsteins- Open Farm Day 2021

Valleyside Holsteins- Open Farm Day 2021

Rebecca and Alex Archibald are passionate young farmers who share what they do on their dairy farm in Upper Stewiacke, Nova Scotia. They are focused on animal care, producing high quality milk, the agricultural community and enjoying life on their farm.... More
Fall Anhydrous Application. NH3

Fall Anhydrous Application. NH3

We are slowly getting caught up on the bags, but we also have to do some fall tillage and chemical application. We got out today and had everything going from the disc to the sprayer and the anhydrous applicator.... More
Pioneering Agriculture in Manitoba

Pioneering Agriculture in Manitoba

Manitoba farmers are passionate about what they do, how they do it and who they do it for. They have great stories to tell about how the food they grow is produced in a safe, sustainable way.... More
1959 John Deere Model 630 with a Mounted Model 227 Corn Picker

1959 John Deere Model 630 with a Mounted Model 227 Corn Picker

Have you ever seen a John Deere Model 227 Corn Picker? Well you’re in luck! One of Leo Milleman’s most prized classic tractors is his 1959 John Deere 630 with a 2 row mounted Model 227 Corn Picker.... More
Wetland Reserve Easements

Wetland Reserve Easements

Wetland Reserve Easements help private and tribal landowners protect, restore and enhance wetlands which have been previously degraded due to agricultural uses. This video explores how the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and NRCS are working together to implement this practice in North Libert... More
Irrigation Insight; Boring Tapped for FSA Post

Irrigation Insight; Boring Tapped for FSA Post

The Farm News Media team took a trip to Mecosta County for a look at River Ridge Farm’s latest irrigation project in Remus, Michigan.... More
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