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In the Markets | Todd Hultman
Oct 20, 2021
In the Markets | Todd Hultman
DTN Lead Grain Analyst Todd Hultman, gives his thoughts and takeaways on several key issues in the grain markets, including this week’s WASDE Report.
In the Markets | Todd Hultman
DTN Lead Grain Analyst Todd Hultman, gives his thoughts and takeaways on several key issues in the grain markets, including this week’s WASDE Report....
Products Options by Kira Durston
Cargill Ag Canada - Products Options by Kira Durston...
First Cows in New Pack Barn!
SaskDutch Kid - First Cows in New Pack Barn!...
Will it Shatter – Boxing
Take our trusted technology out for a spin. When it comes to technology, we know that seeing is believing. Why not put it on the ropes to see how the trait holds itself together. We ask our very own patented technology “Will it Shatter?” with this out of the box (but inside the bucket) ideas. Se...
Why Do GMOs Have an Image Problem?
A recent survey by the American Marketing Association found that consumers feel that GM foods are unnatural, immoral, and unsafe, despite the fact that 70% of processed foods in the United States and Canada already contain GMOs. Why is this, and what can the agriculture industry do about it...
Harvesting barley, Northern Alberta
Blum Family Farm - Got out on the combine today and put the camera anywhere I thought might be interesting. Hope you enjoy...
2021 Canola Harvest, Englefeld, Saskatchewan
Canola harvest on Crone Farm near Englefeld, Saskatchewan. Case 9250 combines and Challenger tractor on grain cart...
New XtendFlex Soybeans from DEKALB for 2022 is introduced at AGRIS MiField Technology Site.
Bill Lester, Territory Sales Manager for Bayer Crop Science, introduces a new lineup of XtendFlex Soybeans at the AGRIS MiField Technology Site, just southeast of Chatham, Ontario....
Canada's Agriculture Day - Sheep Farm Tour
Sheep Farm Tour...
Vertical Tillage and Soil Conservation
A JD 8245R tractor and the Excelerator 8005 Vertical Tillage (VT) primary tillage can be seen in this video. Some of the benefits of using VT technology are soil conservation, soil health and reduced fuel consumption....
Sustainability and The Whole Farm Approach
The Whole Farm approach is all about sustainability and improving our farms for the future. In this video, Doug Martin talks about the important roll a diverse crop rotation plays in making farms more resilient...
Day 2 of bean harvest its always a struggle to get to the field
We are a family farm in Ontario showing you what we do on are farm to produce eggs. day we are showing you the days of harvest and what it lakes to get to the field....
How Does A Soybean Plant Grow?
As soybean plants across Ontario are harvested, why not learn more about how a soybean plant grows? Follow along with Brianne Curtis as she walks us through how a soybean plant is grown!...
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm
USDA raises the size of the grain piles. The market moves lower on the report. Big questions about highs, inputs and futures remain. Market analysis from Naomi Blohm, Elaine Kub, Ted Seifried and Matthew Bennett....
Idaho Beet Harvest '21
Outside of New Plymouth Idaho, in Payette County, a high-tech harvester digs this year’s sugar beet crop....
USMEF Brings Together Beef Exporters and Latin American Buyers
More than 130 red meat buyers from 21 countries across Central and South America and the Caribbean gathered in San Jose, Costa Rica, for the 10th anniversary edition of the U.S. Meat Export Federation Latin American Product Showcase. We take you inside this event and explain how it helps improve...
Manure Know-How — Management and Handling of Manure Safety
Manure produced from pigs is a valuable nutrient source for crops and an important component of the pork industry’s sustainability story. However, manure has a downside. It produces gases that can be harmful to people and pigs as it breaks down....
The best fiber for finishing pigs - Dr. Tom Weber
The best fiber for finishing pigs - Dr. Tom Weber | Swine it...
Mycotoxins on finishing pigs' diets - Dr. Dan Columbus
Mycotoxins on finishing pigs' diets - Dr. Dan Columbus | Swine it...
Canada's Agriculture Day - Pig Farm Tour
Join us to tour an Ontario pig farm!...
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