Straw Time
Aug 25, 2021

Video: Straw Time

July is prime staw baling season and it's go time for us! In this video you will see our sheep in the barn as well as a bit of pasture time. We also spend a lot of time using our New Holland and Case loader tractors to round up all the straw bales and bring them back to the farmyard! Join us as we get the job done!

Straw Time

Straw Time

July is prime staw baling season and it's go time for us! In this video you will see our sheep in the barn as well as a bit of pasture time. We also spend a lot of time using our New Holland and Case loader tractors to round up all the straw bales and bring them back to the farmyard! Join us as ... More
Another busy day of wheat harvest!! | 2021 Wheat Harvest Day 7

Another busy day of wheat harvest!! | 2021 Wheat Harvest Day 7

Another busy day of wheat harvest!! | 2021 Wheat Harvest Day 7 | Jessica Brock... More
Rural Ramble: Moving Cattle with a Tumble Wheel

Rural Ramble: Moving Cattle with a Tumble Wheel

Join Dan as he visits with Bonnie Gray at Piper Creek Farms to chat about moving cattle with a tumble wheel.... More
Tank mixing Enlist One® Herbicide with Durango® DMA® Herbicide

Tank mixing Enlist One® Herbicide with Durango® DMA® Herbicide

Durango® DMA® herbicide is the preferred glyphosate to mix with Enlist One® herbicide. Shawna Hubbard of Corteva Agriscience discusses why Durango DMA herbicide works so well with Enlist One herbicide and fits for all three Enlist™ crops: soybeans, cotton and corn.... More
Crop Diagnostic School

Crop Diagnostic School

Manitoba Agriculture - Crop Diagnostic School - July 27... More
BASF InVigor 2021 - Clubroot From the Field

BASF InVigor 2021 - Clubroot From the Field

This year, we're excited to celebrate 25 years of growing together. Thanks to you, InVigor canola hybrids with clubroot resistance have been seeded on over 19 million acres to date.... More
A trip to the lake and alot of work!!

A trip to the lake and alot of work!!

South Sask Farmer - A trip to the lake and alot of work!!... More

24HR Startup AgTech - Finale

24HR Startup AgTech - Finale

Canada's Farm Show - 24HR Startup AgTech - Finale... More
Robin Groose Wants to Leave a Better World for Future Generations

Robin Groose Wants to Leave a Better World for Future Generations

Seed World Group - Robin Groose Wants to Leave a Better World for Future Generations... More
The Infrastructure Bill and Agriculture

The Infrastructure Bill and Agriculture

The Senate has approved the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Farm Bureau sent a letter of support for the package to Senators as it contains many policy priorities with investments in U.S. roads and bridges, broadband, and for ports and inland waterways, which are all vital to agriculture... More
Pre-harvest Pest Updates

Pre-harvest Pest Updates

Nebraska Extension Entomologist, breaks down the potential pests producers might see in their fields prior to harvest. She also offers some ways to manage them for future growing seasons.... More
EPA Bans all Food Uses of Chlorpyrifos

EPA Bans all Food Uses of Chlorpyrifos

Keeping pests and weeds at bay and keeping everyone safe is all part of the job for farmers, ranchers and their employees. After a years-long legal battle, regulators have removed a pest control tool from more than a few toolboxes.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson explains why Oklahoma producers should stagger their grain in the market given its volatility.... More
Grinding grain, moving steers and preparing for delivery of some new products.

Grinding grain, moving steers and preparing for delivery of some new products.

We were busy at the start of the week getting setup to take delivery of some new feed products. We have been Grinding grain daily as well and moved the steers and horses to a new area with some fresh grad to much.... More
A Saskatchewan Pea Harvest

A Saskatchewan Pea Harvest

A Saskatchewan pea harvest. Today we are combining yellow field peas (and rocks). The peas are yielding not too bad considering the lack of moisture. We are just beginning our harvest adventures!... More
What are these black spots in my corn?

What are these black spots in my corn?

Day 2 of the annual Great Lakes Grain Crop Tour filmed August 24, 2021. Don Kabbes and Dale Cowan find black spots in a Chatham, Ontario field of corn. Could it be Tar Spot?... More
Northern Alberta wheat harvest 2021

Northern Alberta wheat harvest 2021

Wheat is running good considering the year +/- 45 bushels per acre. How to test the moisture of the wheat, how to check bushel weight of the wheat and a few minutes of combine video.... More
Touring Spruce Lane Dairy Farms

Touring Spruce Lane Dairy Farms

Bruce Saunders showed me his dairy operation in Grey County.... More
Kubota M5 Series M5-91 Cab Edition and ALO Loader!

Kubota M5 Series M5-91 Cab Edition and ALO Loader!

Lets take a look at the beginning of Kubota's M5 Series tractors! This one in particular being the Kubota M5-91 Cab Edition!... More
Alberta Grown: Celebrating our Producers

Alberta Grown: Celebrating our Producers

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry - Alberta Grown: Celebrating our Producers... More
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