Aug 24, 2021

Video: AgriShield

Farm Management Canada - AgriShield




Farm Management Canada - AgriShield... More
BASF InVigor 2021 - 300 Series From the Field

BASF InVigor 2021 - 300 Series From the Field

This year, we’d like to start off by saying thank you to our InVigor customers. We’re honoured to have been part of your farms for the past 25 years, and we truly appreciate your support. And there’s plenty to be excited about for the upcoming growing season as we’re adding two new additions ... More
We Got a Brand NEW Bale Wagon, and I Rode a Horse...

We Got a Brand NEW Bale Wagon, and I Rode a Horse...

SaskDutch Kid - We Got a Brand NEW Bale Wagon, and I Rode a Horse...... More
Donn Cummings Remembers Norman Borlaug

Donn Cummings Remembers Norman Borlaug

The National Association for Plant Breeders (NAPB) Friends of Plant Breeding Award honors individuals whose career may or may not have been involved in plant breeding, but who, through their professional activities and passion have contributed significantly to the advancement of the plant breedi... More
JJNS Wheat Harvest Day2 part 1 - Down wheat, plugging Gleaners... roll on!

JJNS Wheat Harvest Day2 part 1 - Down wheat, plugging Gleaners... roll on!

This is our second day of the 2021 wheat harvest. We started into a 20-acre piece of down wheat that was pretty flat. A slow go!... More
Red Fire Ant Quarantine Update

Red Fire Ant Quarantine Update

Pittsburg County was recently added to list of 21 Oklahoma counties quarantined for fire ants. Tom Royer explains what this means for producers.... More
Hay Contest Winner Receives His Vermeer Prize

Hay Contest Winner Receives His Vermeer Prize

Every year, Georgia Farm Bureau sponsors a competition to recognize excellence in hay production. The winner not only gets plenty of bragging rights but also a very useful prize.... More

4Rs and Water Quality

4Rs and Water Quality

Katie Pekarek, Extension Educator for Water Quality, discusses the risk of nitrate leaching and how producers can be responsible for their water quality.... More
Experts Fear Brucellosis Progress Could Slip

Experts Fear Brucellosis Progress Could Slip

Out West, the rise of an old livestock disease in wild animals has natural resource officials keeping a close watch in order to be ready for what might come next.... More
5 Ways to Protect Pigs and the Pork Industry from African Swine Fever | WEBINAR RECORDING

5 Ways to Protect Pigs and the Pork Industry from African Swine Fever | WEBINAR RECORDING

During the Pork Checkoff August webinar, Al Wulfekuhle, a board member of the National Pork Board, provided tips for how pork producers can continue to prevent and prepare for a foreign animal disease outbreak, like African swine fever. Wulfekuhle is also an Iowa pork producer and chair of the N... More
How important is total dietary fiber in swine nutrition? - Dr. Tom Weber

How important is total dietary fiber in swine nutrition? - Dr. Tom Weber

How important is total dietary fiber in swine nutrition? - Dr. Tom Weber | Swine it... More
Turned My Girlfriend Into A Farmer

Turned My Girlfriend Into A Farmer

I Turned My Girlfriend Into A Pig Farmer- In this one Sawyer starts off the vlog with unloading the last set of baby weaner pigs to completely fill his site. Then it’s on to pulling some pigs with Sawyer’s girlfriend Kat.... More
Feeding curve – indoor breeding

Feeding curve – indoor breeding

Feeding curve – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
2021 FCC Annual Public Meeting

2021 FCC Annual Public Meeting

Join MC Lyne Robichaud along with FCC Board Chair Jane Halford, EVP and CFO Ross Topp, and President and CEO Michael Hoffort as they address the 2020-21 financial results, review the year, and discuss the future.... More
The End is Near?

The End is Near?

Alberta Ranch - We narrowly avoid the apocalypse and finish cleaning corrals.... More
Scouting Sessions: Soybean Cyst Nematode

Scouting Sessions: Soybean Cyst Nematode

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a microscopic roundworm that parasitizes soybean roots. Different types of nematodes can commonly be found in Manitoba, but not all are harmful to crops. SCN is a harmful type of nematode and one of the most damaging pests to soybean crops in North America. Prevent... More
Busy Summer Days on the Dairy!

Busy Summer Days on the Dairy!

SaskDutch Kid - Busy Summer Days on the Dairy!... More
Pricing 101: Adjusting for Change

Pricing 101: Adjusting for Change

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry - With a clear understanding of what your actual costs are, you are well positioned to determine a fair price for your food products. Are your prices accurate? Are you leaving money on the table or charging too much?... More
Soybeans A Star Attraction at the Great Iowa State Fair!

Soybeans A Star Attraction at the Great Iowa State Fair!

Traverse the historic grounds of the Iowa State Fair with ISA’s Aaron Putze to see the many ways soybeans and soybean farmers are promoted at the Iowa State Fair! From the biodiesel—powered campground trams to feed for livestock and poultry, fairgoers learn about the many uses of soy as they enj... More

Al's Forecast

Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher gives an update on La Niña and the type of weather we could see heading into harvest.... More
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