Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!
Aug 18, 2021

Video: Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!

SaskDutch Kid - Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!


Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!

Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!

SaskDutch Kid - Final Push To Finish Silage and Build Update!... More
CLAAS, Largest Family-Owned Ag Equip Co, Transitions Branding, Builds Portfolio, Optimizes Services

CLAAS, Largest Family-Owned Ag Equip Co, Transitions Branding, Builds Portfolio, Optimizes Services

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association - Stephen Vandervalk, Director Alberta WCWGA and Fort Macleod AB farmer, chats with Torey Hadland, CLAAS Regional Director for Canada, about CLAAS's strategy to compete.... More
Short tour of the Canola Calculator’s Harvest loss tool

Short tour of the Canola Calculator’s Harvest loss tool

CCC Harvest management lead Shawn Senko provides a short explanation of the components of the interactive Harvest loss webtool and how to use the weight method for a canola crop to produce the most accurate results to help maximize profits.... More
Maizex Seeds | More than a Brand: True Performance

Maizex Seeds | More than a Brand: True Performance

We've heard it from customer testimonials, and we've seen it in provincial trials: Maizex products perform across Canada. Our focus on local research and agronomy, in addition to excellent customer service and support, has helped us grow to become a truly national seed company that is more than ... More

1970's Allis Chalmers Gleaner Series 2 Combines Commercial

Journey through time back to the 1970’s with this Allis Chalmers Gleaner Series 2 commercial. It’s amazing to see the progress and advancements of farm equipment – some things never change though!... More
Corn Update

Corn Update

Jim Carroll of Monroe County tells us about the challenges this year’s corn crop has faced and gives us an outlook for the upcoming harvest... More
Senate Approves Infrastructure Bill

Senate Approves Infrastructure Bill

Population migration shifts electoral maps and the political clout of one district to another.... More

Weekly Market Analysis

Weekly Market Analysis

President of Heartland Farm Partners, discusses corn and soybean conditions from around the country. Jeff also analyzes crop price movements and explains where basis is headed.... More
Stressing farm Safety

Stressing farm Safety

One aspect of farming that doesn't get discussed enough is just how dangerous it can be. Carie Moore shares a reminder about power take offs in this week's vlog.... More
Driving Economic Recovery Through Canadian Agriculture

Driving Economic Recovery Through Canadian Agriculture

As we head into a federal election, Canada’s grain industry is poised to drive a much-needed post-pandemic economic recovery.... More
Sheep Farming: Our Typical Hay

Sheep Farming: Our Typical Hay

A lot of people asking about our hay. This is typical of the hay we feed here. We do not feed TMR or silage.... More

It's time to put the planters away and make a laneway

We are a family farm in Ontario showing you what we do on our farm to produce eggs. So today we are going to wash and put our planters away for the season. We are going to start building our laneway.... More
Fall Cover Crop Termination vs. Planting Green on a Clay Soil in Haldimand, Ontario

Fall Cover Crop Termination vs. Planting Green on a Clay Soil in Haldimand, Ontario

Follow an on-farm corn trial in the 2021 growing season on a silty clay soil in Haldimand county, Ontario. The farmer, Matt Beischlag of Beischlag Farms Inc., explains his rationale for trying overwintering cover crops, his impressions of the corn across different treatments and shares his advic... More
JJNS Farms - Bean planting day 1 - Hopefully we can plant beans today!

JJNS Farms - Bean planting day 1 - Hopefully we can plant beans today!

This is our first day of the 2021 bean planting. We started on the back of the home farm. Hopefully the planter works and we can get some work done!... More
Pricing 101: Know Your Cost of Production Break-Even Points

Pricing 101: Know Your Cost of Production Break-Even Points

This webinar gives you a good understanding of how to determine your product costs before you can talk price. It explores the importance of knowing your actual cost of production and provide insight on how to determine your breakeven point. We will also look at how to use that knowledge to make ... More
Crop Diagnostic School

Crop Diagnostic School

Manitoba Agriculture - Questions from this week’s Q&A Session: Crop Diagnostic School July 20... More
Seed Speaks Ep. 10 Employee Retention During Mergers and Acquisitions

Seed Speaks Ep. 10 Employee Retention During Mergers and Acquisitions

Join host Alex Martin as she brings together experts in human resources to talk about how companies can better navigate mergers and acquisitions after their completion. Find out how to create an encouraging work environment that promotes retention and a positive work culture.... More
BASF InVigor 2021 - Pod Shatter Reduction (From the Field)

BASF InVigor 2021 - Pod Shatter Reduction (From the Field)

We’re honoured to have been part of your farms for the past 25 years, and we truly appreciate your support. Because of your support of this technology, InVigor hybrids with the patented Pod Shatter Reduction technology have been seeded on more than 40 million acres across Canada since their 2... More
Cuttin Millet!!

Cuttin Millet!!

South Sask Farmer - Cuttin Millet!!... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Arlen Suderman

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Arlen Suderman

One step closer to an upgrade for rural America. A hotter, drier global weather outlook. Combatting the glut in the hemp market.... More
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