The World's First CTL with Integrated Grade Control | John Deere SmartGrade™ Compact Track Loaders
Jul 22, 2021

Video: The World's First CTL with Integrated Grade Control | John Deere SmartGrade™ Compact Track Loaders

The John Deere SmartGrade™ 333G Compact Track Loader expands the capabilities of customers working in site development, roadbuilding, landscaping, residential and commercial building operations by enabling them to take on new tasks and larger jobs that require accuracy.

The World

The World's First CTL with Integrated Grade Control | John Deere SmartGrade™ Compact Track Loaders

The John Deere SmartGrade™ 333G Compact Track Loader expands the capabilities of customers working in site development, roadbuilding, landscaping, residential and commercial building operations by enabling them to take on new tasks and larger jobs that require accuracy.... More


The APS SYNFLOW threshing system is the throughput leader in every class, allowing you to independently adjust threshing and separation actions to improve separation, improve efficiency, and increase capacity.... More
Cut up to 40 acres an hour! MegaCutter™ Customer Interviews

Cut up to 40 acres an hour! MegaCutter™ Customer Interviews

New Holland visited a New Holland equipment dealer, and their customers, to talk about their experience owning a MegaCutter™. Hear what owners have to say about this top of the line hay cutting system.... More
Ag Talk: Future of Food Tech in the United Arab Emirates

Ag Talk: Future of Food Tech in the United Arab Emirates

Canada's Farm Show - Presented by Ministry of Trade & Export Development Speakers: His Excellency Jean-Philippe Linteau, Consult General of Canada to Dubai and His Excellency Fahad Saeed Al Raqbani, UAE Ambassador to Canada... More
Seed Speaks Ep 7 Returning to the Office

Seed Speaks Ep 7 Returning to the Office

Join host and Editor of Germination Marc Zienkiewicz on this episode of Seed Speaks. Experts weigh in on what the challenges are returning to the office after about 18 months of exclusively working from home. Joining Zienkiewicz are Jade Reeve, Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council progra... More
Scouting for Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Scouting for Northern Corn Leaf Blight

In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Adam Owens and Corteva Agriscience Territory Manager Pam Pflugradt discuss what to look for in your fields when scouting for northern corn leaf blight (NCLB). NCLB is found in humid climates wherever corn is grown and is caused by the fungus Exserohilum tu... More
Spring Burn Off

Spring Burn Off

Cargill Ag Canada - Spring Burn Off... More

Hauling hay!

Hauling hay!

South Sask Farmer - Hauling hay!... More
Bill Looks to Rewrite E15 Rules

Bill Looks to Rewrite E15 Rules

Two consecutive Fridays delivered challenging news for the ethanol industry in court rulings. The Year-Round Fuel Choice Act was introduced this week by a host of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.... More
30x30 Plan

30x30 Plan

Dave Aiken, UNL Extension Water and Ag Law Specialist, explains what the 30x30 Plan is and how it could impact agricultural land.... More
Johnson Farms Tops in Conservation

Johnson Farms Tops in Conservation

Johnson Farms has long practiced conservation in their operation and has won many awards for their regenerative farming system.... More
SDSU Bioproducts Research Facility Adds Value to SD Commodities

SDSU Bioproducts Research Facility Adds Value to SD Commodities

The $28.5 million SDSU Bioproducts Research Facility will develop new processes to create new bioscience products.... More
XiteBio SoyRhizo - Treating Soybean Seeds

XiteBio SoyRhizo - Treating Soybean Seeds

Here is a short video of soybean seed being treated with XiteBio SoyRhizo liquid inoculant, taken recently by our sales rep Chris White in southern Ontario.... More
Rural Ramble: Seeding for Green Feed (A Drought Contingency Plan)

Rural Ramble: Seeding for Green Feed (A Drought Contingency Plan)

Check out the contingency plan Producer Relations Manager, Dan Ferguson, has to ensure he has enough feed for his cattle during a drought year.... More
C&M Quick Picks - London South 2021

C&M Quick Picks - London South 2021

C&M Quick Picks - London South 2021 | The Wheat Team... More
Was this 2021 corn crop a write-off?

Was this 2021 corn crop a write-off?

Maggie Pendleton, grain originator and Taylor McClain, crop specialist, both of FS PARTNERS discuss what it took to save this 2021 corn crop.... More
Crop Diagnostic School

Crop Diagnostic School

Manitoba Agriculture - Questions from this week’s CDS Session: Crop Diagnostic School June 29... More
Global Export Panel - Presented by Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership

Global Export Panel - Presented by Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership

Canada's Farm Show - Panelists: Andrew Skinner, HSBC | John Batiuk, Bourgault | Chris Dekker, STEP | Randy Lott, Export Development Canada... More
Bailing the heaviest clover crop I

Bailing the heaviest clover crop I've seen!

South Sask Farmer - Bailing the heaviest clover crop I've seen!... More
Cargill Specialty Canola Virtual Field Huddle

Cargill Specialty Canola Virtual Field Huddle

Cargill Ag Canada - Cargill Specialty Canola Virtual Field Huddle... More
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