New technology in the barn to improve animal health and productivity.
Jun 22, 2021

Video: New technology in the barn to improve animal health and productivity.

Jim Ryken, C.O.O. of Barn Tools tells us about their new BarnTalk’s mobile app that provides remote visibility of your barn’s power status, temperature and humidity, automatically alerting you to changes that could impact animal health and productivity.


New technology in the barn to improve animal health and productivity.

New technology in the barn to improve animal health and productivity.

Jim Ryken, C.O.O. of Barn Tools tells us about their new BarnTalk’s mobile app that provides remote visibility of your barn’s power status, temperature and humidity, automatically alerting you to changes that could impact animal health and productivity.... More
How PIC is leading in full value pigs marketed.

How PIC is leading in full value pigs marketed.

Dr. Saskia Bloemhof-Abma, Genetic Services Manager America at PIC tells us how PIC's 800 Boar is outperforming the competition in trials due to their investment genomic selection, focused breading goals and partnerships. This commitment has resulted in outstanding pork quality and leading prima... More
How Topigs Norsvin is leading the way to combat PRRS

How Topigs Norsvin is leading the way to combat PRRS

Lance Peterson, Genetic Technician at Topigs Norsvin US tells us how their unique InGene program dramatically reduces the risk of PRRS by eliminating the exposure of outside animals.... More
Individual sow care program reduce losses, optimize performance and well-being.

Individual sow care program reduce losses, optimize performance and well-being.

Emma Lasco, Pork Production Specialist at Zoetis tells us a about their Individual Sow Care program that aims to reduce sow mortality rates. The Zoetis Individual Care program is a comprehensive, on-farm training program that teaches caregivers and production managers the value of conducting hea... More
Ag Financial Update

Ag Financial Update

Executive Director, discusses trends in net farm income and ways to protect liquidity. Tina also describes factors impacting crop production margins.... More
Feeding for Today’s Cow — How Nutrition Has Changed in 30 Years

Feeding for Today’s Cow — How Nutrition Has Changed in 30 Years

Cows have changed in the last 30 years. With this evolution comes the need for additional nutrient requirements to increase conception rates, maintain body condition score and produce adequate milk.... More
Senators Unveil Bill to Level Playing Field in Meatpacking Industry

Senators Unveil Bill to Level Playing Field in Meatpacking Industry

At least three lawmakers are wanting to sharpen the teeth of the century-old Packers and Stockyards Act.... More

International Trade and Population Growth - Pork Supply Chain Disrupters in a Post-COVID World

International Trade and Population Growth - Pork Supply Chain Disrupters in a Post-COVID World

Dr. Jayson Lusk, Purdue University, was the featured speaker during the May webinar for pork producers. According to Lusk, international trade and world population growth could impact the pork industry in the next three to five years.... More
The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo

The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo

The biggest opportunities in swine nutrition - Dr. John Htoo | Swine it... More
Preparing farrowing accommodation – indoor breeding

Preparing farrowing accommodation – indoor breeding

Preparing farrowing accommodation – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More

SPG's Partnership with Farm & Food Care SK and Ag in the Classroom

Partnering with local groups such as Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan and Ag in the Classroom helps SPG cultivate public trust, respect, understanding, and appreciation of agriculture and helps promotes pulses across Saskatchewan in local communities.... More
2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session Four

2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session Four

Seed World Group - 2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session Four... More
Rebuilding the 860

Rebuilding the 860's feeder house

South Sask Farmer - Rebuilding the 860's feeder house!!... More
Sustainable growth by supporting human-animal bonds, food security, and strong communities

Sustainable growth by supporting human-animal bonds, food security, and strong communities

Colleen Parr Dekker, Executive Director, Global Corporate Communications at Elanco explains Elanco's industry leading commitment to sustainable world with their Healthy Purpose™ advances the well-being of animals, people and the planet. Colleen shares how every pillar is interconnected, and they... More
Take baby steps for weaned pig transition success

Take baby steps for weaned pig transition success

Dr. Emily Otto-Tice, Sr. Swine Nutritionist, Technical Solutions Team at Purina Animal Nutrition tells us how complex ingredients are processed to provide higher nutrient quality and improved nutrient availability to the young pig. Therefore, they can pay off in improved feed intake and pig heal... More
A new approach to managing biosecurity risks in the swine industry

A new approach to managing biosecurity risks in the swine industry

Dr. Mark Lyons, President and CEO of Alltech, discusses the positive impact Alltech's Guardian has had in improving the safety in animal feed as a viral mitigant in the swine industry. Mark also shares the exciting lineup on speakers at this year's Alltech One Conference. More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Chris Robinson

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Chris Robinson

Record temperatures roll corn growing on already parched ground. Adding teeth to a century old livestock rule. How one dairy operator changed gears to survive the pandemic. Market analysis with Chris Robinson.... More
Nutrition of DDGs in Beef Cattle Rations

Nutrition of DDGs in Beef Cattle Rations

Nutrition of DDGs in beef cattle rations.... More
Herbicides in New Grass and Legume Seedings

Herbicides in New Grass and Legume Seedings

Herbicides in New Grass and Legume Seedings... More
Double Cropping Wheat & Soybeans + Summer Crop Update

Double Cropping Wheat & Soybeans + Summer Crop Update

Josh Lofton gives a summer crop update and discusses research on the potential benefits of double cropping wheat and soybeans.... More
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