Nicole Penney is scouting soybeans in Mitchell
Jun 16, 2021

Video: Nicole Penney is scouting soybeans in Mitchell

Gauging Growth is a precursor to the Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour. In this episode, Nicole Penney who is the precision ag manager at FS PARTNERS is out scouting a soybean field, looking for general plant health, doing population counts and scouting for possible issues in the crop.

Nicole Penney is scouting soybeans in Mitchell

Nicole Penney is scouting soybeans in Mitchell

Gauging Growth is a precursor to the Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour. In this episode, Nicole Penney who is the precision ag manager at FS PARTNERS is out scouting a soybean field, looking for general plant health, doing population counts and scouting for possible issues in the crop.... More
Take Profits and Rewards Higher with Effective Fungicides

Take Profits and Rewards Higher with Effective Fungicides

Choose from a wide selection of fungicides to manage your specific disease challenges--and earn higher rewards while you're at it with the 2021 BASF Ag Rewards Program. You could earn up to 15% when you purchase qualifying brands from the fungicide segment, and you could qualify for an additiona... More
24 Hour Start Up AgTech Kick-Off

24 Hour Start Up AgTech Kick-Off

Canada's Farm Show - 24 Hour Start Up AgTech Kick-Off... More

SPG's Partnership with Grain Growers of Canada

Through SPG’s partnership with Grain Growers of Canada, pulse growers gain advocacy at the federal government level in the areas of business risk management programs, sustainability including carbon issues, research & innovation, transportation, and trade.... More
5020 is fixed and the combines come home! Plus we started our incrop spraying!

5020 is fixed and the combines come home! Plus we started our incrop spraying!

South Sask Farmer - 5020 is fixed and the combines come home! Plus we started our incrop spraying!... More
Theres Always Something To Do

Theres Always Something To Do

SaskDutch Kid - Theres Always Something To Do... More
Bears Ears

Bears Ears' Monumental Impact on Utah Stakeholders

TC Energy, formerly known as TransCanada, pulled the plug on the Keystone XL pipeline after Canadian officials failed to persuade President Biden to reverse his cancellation of the permit.... More

Dryland Farmers Face Drought

Dryland Farmers Face Drought

Craigmont--Camas Prairie farmer Tom Mosman runs a large farm outside of Craigmont, he’s spraying canola and says this crop is in trouble, they’ve had very little rain this spring.... More
Carbon To Nitrogen Ratio in Crop Residue

Carbon To Nitrogen Ratio in Crop Residue

K-State crop nutrient specialist Dorivar Ruiz-Diaz talks about the process of nutrient release from crop residue and cover crops, and why producers should pay attention to that as part of their crop nutrient management.... More
Weekly Market Analysis

Weekly Market Analysis

Todd Hultman, DTN Market Analyst, analyzes current crop conditions and how dry conditions are impacting already tight supplies of corn and soybeans.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says he expects slightly lower beef production for the rest of the year, which could cause per capita consumption to decrease as well.... More
JBS Ransomware Attack

JBS Ransomware Attack

Kansas State University Livestock Economist, breaks down the recent ransomware attack involving leading meatpacker JBS. Glynn also discusses potential measures the ag industry could take to increase food security.... More
Jets Fan Pays Bet Debt

Jets Fan Pays Bet Debt President and CEO Graham Dyer and Seed World Group President Shawn Brook recently placed a bet about who would win the Stanley Cup Hockey Series between the Montreal Canadians and the Winnipeg Jets (Seed World Group is based in Winnipeg). Mr. Brook lost the bet and as such created the ... More
Honk if EWE

Honk if EWE'RE horned? | RHINO SHEEP UPDATE!

I spy with my little eye... More teenage ewe lamb drama. A stuck head, a tilted head and what the heck is going on with this eye???... More
Ontario Grain Farming 101: What is Ontario Grain Farming?

Ontario Grain Farming 101: What is Ontario Grain Farming?

Have you ever wondered what happens on an Ontario grain farm, or how Ontario grain is produced and where it goes? If so, then the Ontario Grain Farming 101 video series is for you. In this video, learn the broad aspects of grain farming in Ontario. Farmers here in Ontario have options on what th... More
Spreading fertilizer on the field

Spreading fertilizer on the field

Spreading fertilizer on the field | Ontario Farming... More
Hannah Brooksbank - Envita bio-stimulant & nitrogen-fixer research project corn, soybeans & wheat.

Hannah Brooksbank - Envita bio-stimulant & nitrogen-fixer research project corn, soybeans & wheat.

Hannah Brookbank is a summer intern with AGRIS Co-operative and is the project manager on our Envita bio-stimulant research project investigating using biological nitrogen-fixing bacteria on corn, wheat and soybeans. She is also performing nitrogen rate trials this year, under the direction of D... More
IN THE FIELD - Spring 2021

IN THE FIELD - Spring 2021

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association - Wheat Growers President Gunter Jochum seeding soybeans IN THE FIELD - Spring 2021... More
The Farm Got Some Much Needed Rain!

The Farm Got Some Much Needed Rain!

SaskDutch Kid - The Farm Got Some Much Needed Rain!... More
2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session One

2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session One

Seed World Group - 2021 Canadian Spud Congress - Day One - Session One... More
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