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Scouting for Stripe Rust
Jun 02, 2021
Scouting for Stripe Rust
Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist, describes what farmers should be noticing when scouting wheat fields for stripe rust. He also discusses management options for the disease.
Scouting for Stripe Rust
Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist, describes what farmers should be noticing when scouting wheat fields for stripe rust. He also discusses management options for the disease....
Market Monitor
Kim Anderson gives an update on the grain markets and says this recent wet weather is a big reason for the decline in prices....
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
Brian Whitacre has information on discounts on internet access available to the public through a new FCC program....
Planting No Till Soybeans in Darke County Ohio
Out in the field with a neighboring farmer as they are planting soybeans "NO TILL'' into last years cornstalks. They are using their Ford New Holland 8770 tractor pulling a Kinze 3600 series planter that is 40 foot wide and had 32 row units on 15 inch row spacing....
Seeding Wheat in northern Alberta
4 Quadtracs with 84’ Seedhawk Seeders pulling an 800 bushel Cart, 2 of which are modified by adding the 4th tank....
Seeding with a Morris Quantum and Morris 9 series tank
Seeding is underway and we got some work on our hands! Today you can see and learn about what it is like seeding with a Morris air drill and Morris tank....
2021 Corn Planting with Dick Lavy Farms
Out in the field with Dick Lavy Farms as they are planting corn between New Madison and Arcanum Ohio. They are planting the crop with their two Case IH 420 4WD tractors and 24 row Case IH Early Riser Planters while pulling Duo Lift nurse tanks carrying liquid...
How are these early planted Ontario soybeans doing?
Great Lakes Grain student intern, Noah Andriessen, walks a field of planted soybeans with Graham McLean, Crop Specialist with AGRIS Co-operative in Glencoe....
Vegetative barriers to pesticide drift
A presentation on vegetative barriers and pesticide drift....
2021 Hazelnut IPM Workshop Part 4 Other Diseases
A general overview of less significant diseases affecting Ontario hazelnuts, including powdery mildew, root rots, wet feet, decay fungi, mosses, lichens and canker fungi other than EFB....
Planting Buckwheat || Food Plots || SOUTHEAST ONTARIO OUTDOORS
Planting time is here in Southeastern Ontario, so we are planting buckwheat in our perennial food plots. Once the buckwheat has had time to grow, we will terminate it and plant our perennial clovers as well as other varieties to attract deer in the fall and spring next year....
What's happening with wheat and barley markets?
Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions - Wondering what the market outlook is for wheat and barley prices are for the upcoming months? Tune into this virtual market outlook session from industry leader on May 27 to hear about upcoming trends, drivers of price fluctuations and the domestic supply a...
Scouting Sessions: Staging Field Peas
Some examples of staging field peas and identifying scale nodes vs true leaf nodes. Plus, how to stage plants if the main growing point is damaged....
Bull Problems
Alberta Ranch - A little spring snow and a stubborn bull. Bull Problems...
Canada Steps Up to the Plate…or Not
You’ve likely heard about gene editing recently, and with good reason. It’s what could help close the gap and get Canadian Agriculture more competitive. Or the Federal Government could decide otherwise. Brian Treacy “grew up with DNA”, is a molecular biologist and leads Government and Industry A...
Spraying, rock picking and the wheat is done and we are into canola
South Sask Farmer - Spraying, rock picking and the wheat is done and we are into canola...
Putting an Old Mapping Grid to New Use
Years ago, when the post office needed more than Rural Route 2 to deliver your letter, the unnamed road outside your place became 270th street. The first time firefighters unfamiliar with the area made a rescue, the benefits became clear....
Planting Big Investment for Farmers
The planting season is in full swing and it is a big investment for farmers. Michelle Rook looks at what it costs to put the crop in each spring....
Grazing Management Minute: Planning Ahead for Grazing Season
In ODA's latest Grazing Management Minute, join ODA's own Cody Hacker to learn more about planning ahead for your upcoming grazing season....
How to Cut Inputs and Increase Quality
Brendon discusses how he’s maintained yields and increased quality while reducing the input costs of his potato crop....
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