Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization
May 27, 2021

Video: Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization

Mark Johnson talks with Dan Stein about the benefits of estrus synchronization.

Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization

Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization

Mark Johnson talks with Dan Stein about the benefits of estrus synchronization.... More
How to Watch the Markets

How to Watch the Markets

Darin Fessler of Lakefront Futures and Options gives us a breakdown of his system for watching the markets.... More
Sheep Farming: Shearing Pregnant Suffolk Sheep

Sheep Farming: Shearing Pregnant Suffolk Sheep

These Suffolk ewes are due to lamb in April. This shows what is involved on shearing day here.... More
Planting corn into cow pasture will it work?

Planting corn into cow pasture will it work?

We are a family farm in Ontario showing you what we do to bring eggs to your table.... More
BASF Cereal Disease Management Fast Facts: Fungicide Timing

BASF Cereal Disease Management Fast Facts: Fungicide Timing

Humid weather conditions, tightened crop rotations and reduce tillage – these are just some of the reasons why disease pressure has been on the rise in cereals.... More
Determining Growth Stages in Corn

Determining Growth Stages in Corn

In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Ron Joiner walks viewers through staging corn growth as growers look to make post-planting herbicide decisions. For smaller plants, each leaf stage is defined according to the uppermost leaf whose leaf collar is visible. The first part of the collar that i... More
2020-2021 Advancing the Manitoba Protein Advantage Strategy

2020-2021 Advancing the Manitoba Protein Advantage Strategy

Manitoba Agriculture - Dickson Gould, Manitoba Protein Consortium chain, provide an update (2020-2021) of The Manitoba Protein Advantage Strategy... More


Canada's Farm Show TV | Tim Reid

Tim Reid, the CEO and President of Regina Exhibition Park Ltd Evraz Place, stopped by to chat more out the launch of Canada's Farm Show event coming up in June and what to expect now that it's gone virtual.... More
1953 Allis Chalmers Film ‘A New High’

1953 Allis Chalmers Film ‘A New High’

Take a step back in time to 1953 to witness the Allis Chalmers WD-45 being built at the West Allis plant. The video also shows ‘new’ features including the Power Crater and Snap Coupler.... More
This Caused Us To Much Down Time

This Caused Us To Much Down Time

SaskDutch Kid - This Caused Us To Much Down Time... More
Beaver lodge removal and more

Beaver lodge removal and more

South Sask Farmer - Beaver lodge removal and more... More
The West Slides Deeper into Drought as Rains Soak the Midwest and South

The West Slides Deeper into Drought as Rains Soak the Midwest and South

The West Slides Deeper into Drought as Rains Soak the Midwest and South... More
World Ag Supply and Demand up

World Ag Supply and Demand up

Good news for Idaho Farmers, The latest World Agriculture Supply and Demand report projects record crops and demand.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says rising corn prices have impacted wheat prices.... More
Controlling Musk Thistle

Controlling Musk Thistle

Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky discusses musk thistle and how to control it with herbicides. He also gives tips for helping prevent its return next year.... More
Monosem MS Mini Seed Precision Planter - The Only Seeder Available With JD Seed Star 2

Monosem MS Mini Seed Precision Planter - The Only Seeder Available With JD Seed Star 2

Monosem MS Mini Seed Precision Planter - The Only Seeder Available With JD Seed Star 2 Available From Northern Equipment Solutions... More
First Day of Big Mama

First Day of Big Mama's NEW DIET.

Big Mama has once again stole the vlog. Somehow she managed to squeeze herself into the lamb creep feed area. Apparently, the new diet has her looking ahead to a cheat day. LOL.... More
2021 Hazelnut IPM Workshop Part 2 Eastern Filbert Blight

2021 Hazelnut IPM Workshop Part 2 Eastern Filbert Blight

An overview of the identification, biology and general management of eastern filbert blight in Ontario hazelnuts.... More
Ontario Wine 101!

Ontario Wine 101!

An overview of the incredible wine regions, wine producers, and wines of Ontario!... More
Starting up the 700 and seeding oats

Starting up the 700 and seeding oats

South Sask Farmer - Starting up the 700 and seeding oats... More
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